Church of Christ at Holladay
Minister: Bob Bishop
"I have said these things to you, that in ME you may have peace.." John 16:33


Welcome to our Programs Page.  Click on any program for more information.  Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Circles of Concern

The Holladay congregation is divided into four "Circles of Concern". These smaller groups help our members become better acquainted with one another. Each circle is led by elders and deacons and meets each month. More>>


Education/Bible Classes
Our Teachers

Our elders are consistently looking for new material and improved ways to teach. Most classes are going through a two year curriculum. More>>


Gospel Meetings, VBS

The Holladay congregation is a loving group of individuals that make up a family of Christians that have a common goal for spreading the gospel of Christ and edifying and encouraging fellow Christians. More>>


Youth Ministry - HYPE

Youth Leaders:
Eric & Emily Mitchell "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me and where I am, there My servant will be also. "


Pursue a personal relationship with Him through worship, prayer, and the study and application of His word. More>>


Sew and Go

A group of senior adults meets twice a month to sew, fellowship and of course eat! Usually they are making lap quilts. They have sent quilts to the Cookeville Cancer Center and local nursing homes. More>>


Supper Club
Contact: Bob Bishop 931-881-4635

Meets at various restaurants following evening service. Dates and place will be announced.

Supper Club- join us!




A Veterans' Dinner is hosted annually by our youth. These men & women deserve a place of honor in our hearts.

Pictures from 2021



Crochet Club

Contacts: Marcia Sparks 804-814-1575 or Leanne Pippin 734-626-8815
Meet in the fellowship room, 2nd & 4th Sundays at 4:30
Beginners to advanced are invited to crochet together. More>>


Ladies Luncheon
On the 1st Friday of each month
all ladies/girls are invited to lunch.
The time is usually around
11:00 or 11:30 but will be announced.

Please join us for great fellowship and fun with our sisters. More>>


Ladies' Day
Usually held in November.

We will send out a "Save the Date" for the next date.
