Church of Christ at Holladay
Minister: Bob Bishop
"I have said these things to you, that in ME you may have peace.." John 16:33

Youth Ministry - HYPE

Youth Leaders:
Eric & Emily Mitchell

"If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me and where I am, there My servant will be also. "





Pursue a personal relationship with Him
through worship, prayer, and the study and
application of His word.

Serve God
Pursue a life of service to Him by serving
in the church and community through
special work projects and kind deeds.

Share God
Pursue an evangelistic mind-set
in which we reach out to others with
the gospel of Christ through spiritual events.

 Proposed Events

FEB -Lazer Tag
MAR - Holladay Higher Ground - Backpacking
APRIL - Egg Hunt
MAY - Holladay Honors - Student Appreciation
JUNE - Short Mt. Bible Camp

JULY - Service Project
SEPT - Bible Bowl
OCT - Fall Bonfire
NOV -Toys for Tots Service
DEC - Caroling & gift bags