Church of Christ at Holladay
Minister: Bob Bishop
"I have said these things to you, that in ME you may have peace.." John 16:33


Welcome to our Missions Page.  Click on any mission for more information.  Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

India Mission

Outreach to support
6 full-time minister, 13 orphans, 10 widows,

(also helped to build 2 church buildings, a hospital & equipment in Rampachodavaram, Tumie, India) under supervision of elders at Willette Church of Christ) More>>


Gospel Broadcasting Network

Television Program "Preaching the Gospel" Sunday at 7:30am Fox 17 - Nashville, TN (sponsored through Preaching the Gospel headquaters in Dalton , GA More>>


Hispanic Outreach

under eldership of Jefferson Ave. Church of Christ, Cookeville More>>


World English Institute

Work in Eastern Europe. Using the Bible by way of teaching English. Headquaters: Maryville, TN More>>


Happy Haven Children's' Home

home for orphans or abandoned or troubled youth (under eldership of Willow Ave. Church of Christ, Cookeville More>>


Ministers in training

None at this time.
Please talk with our elders to receive support for your training. More>>


Challenge to Think - radio

"A Challenge to Think" Sunday at 9:07am WHUB AM (1400), Cookeville (in partnership with Double Spg., Silver Point, Witson Chapel ) More>>


Hungarian Work

under the supervision of Somerville Church of Christ, TN More>>


Nicaragua, South America

Hispanic area under eldership of Jefferson Avenue Church of Christ. More>>