Guest Book

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Name: keijo 
Comments: Glory to God for Jerusalem and for Israel and for our salvation will be great thanksgiving in peace and sure the truth in blessing and a lot wisdom with  a lot anotehr the word who will give strong pleasure of heaven in Jesus name,thanks and bless,keijo sweden

Name: Curtis & Stephanie Jones 
Comments: Well built site, easy to navigate.
Loved the Pig for the fellowship dinner.

Name: Ray/El. Kemp 
Comments: We think your web page is great.  Put more  photos. we love seeing all of you.  We miss you all.    Love      Ray  & El.

Name: B.D. Phillips 
Comments: It is wonderful to hear about Amy, Jamie, and Nick. I want to welcome them to God's family. May God continue to bless all the members of His family at the Ellisville congregation for the edification of the kingdom.

B.D. Phillips

Name: Mitchell Skelton 
Comments: Brother Morton,
Congratulations on your website!  It will prove a useful tool for evangelism and edification in your congregation.  May the Lord bless you and the Ellisville congregation.  By the way, I know you have had a great gospel meeting with Brother Carroll!  He spoke at our Friends and Family day two weeks ago and did a super job!

In His Name,
Mitchell Skelton, Minister
Midway church of Christ

Name: B. D. Phillips 
Comments: Thank you Brother Morton for visiting our website here on The Lords Way. It is good to see the brethren using the internet as a tool to reach out to the lost. If I can ever help you and the Ellisville congregation please let me know.

His servant and yours,
B.D. Phillips
Minister at Town Creek


Adult Bible Study
Sunday - 9:30 AM
Childrens Bible Study
Sunday - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship Service
Sunday - 10:30 A.M.
Evening Worship
Sunday - 5:00 PM
Evening Bible Study
Wednesday - 7:00 P.M.
Sunday - 10:45 AM


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