
    THE HISTORY OF ELLISVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST The Ellisville congregation of the church of Christ had its beginning in the Spring of 1970 when Darrel Thompson and wife, Sylvia Barr Thompson, together with their four small children:Lyle Thompson, Bryan Thompson, Jarrett Thompson, and Valerie Thompson. moved into the area where Thompson, a young architect, set up business. The Thompsons, desiring to work with a small congregation of the Lord's people, decided to begin worshipping in the Ellisville area.In the Spring he ured the use of the local Boy Scout Hut in which to meet for worship services, unless the facility was otherwise in use by the Scouts, in which case the Thompsons along with Sister Shirley Street and her two children, would meet in the Thompsons' home. Gradually a number of other families began meeting with them and by 1972 Thompson had ured land on Highway 588 west of Ellisville, Mississippi on which to construct a building for the church to meet in. Thompson, being an architect, designed the first building which consisted of auditorium, classrooms, nursery, office, and a building for the minister and his family to live in. The first minister was hired at the time the buiding was being constructed and he would spend much time with the construction. He was Weldon Hatcher, a teacher noted for his knowledge of Bible history. When the construction was completed, the Hatcher family, Weldon, Joyce, and their three children moved into the premises amd an open house was held to which the entire community was invited to come view and tour the new facility. Brother Weldon Hatcher also taught a course on Bible times history at the local Junior Collete while preaching for the Ellisville church. He also aattended the University of Southern Mississippi where he studied for his doctorate. At this time there were between 20 to 30 people in regular attendannce at worship services. The Hatchers - 5 The Thompsons -6 The Stumphs and Lucille's mother. Sister Huckabee- 3The Burnetts - 3 The Adams - Helen and 3 children - 4 The Boykins - 3 The Streets = 3 Brother Green - 1 Sister Effie Smith and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Butler - 2 After Weldon received his Doctorate, they moved to Menden, Louisiana, where he became a Counsellor. This had been his dream to counsel young people. Don Taylor, was selected as the next minister for the Ellisville congregation. Don,came highly qualified. He and his family had done mission work in Belgium and he was fluent in 'French.his wife, Virginia, was a well qualified worker among the ladies of the church. They had 3 children, also: Bruce, David and Suzanne. Don had done much study and many lectures on Revalation. During his ministry here, Brother White and many of the young people from Missouri came and did a door to door campaigh in the Ellisville vicinity to acquaint the community with the mission and work of the church. Don accepted a position at Magnolia Bible College at Kosciusko, Mississippi, where they resided until they moved to Henderson, Tennessee, where both Don and Virginia were enmployed by Freed Hardeman Universitywhere they remain until the present. Other ministers for the congregation have been: Allen Daves, Karl Hardee, Bob Raley, Dan Huggins,Terry Baucum, Jerry Morton, and Verlon Carroll. Attendance has grown to 90 to 100 for Sunday worship services, and the original building has given way to a newly renovated building, with the addition of an approximately 250 seating capacity. The congregation sponsors an Annual Ladies Day, an annual Vacation Bible School, Bible study classes for all ages, a Family Day once each month on the first Sunday of the month, Bible centered youth activities, and emphasis youth and children being servants to others. The congregation is guided ably by our elders: John Sexton, Sr.and Paul Heathcock.  


Adult Bible Study
Sunday - 9:30 AM
Childrens Bible Study
Sunday - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship Service
Sunday - 10:30 A.M.
Evening Worship
Sunday - 5:00 PM
Evening Bible Study
Wednesday - 7:00 P.M.
Sunday - 10:45 AM


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Paul Heathcock
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John Sexton
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Richard Moore
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Glen Shearer
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