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Reaching Up

A typical worship gathering at Ellisville Church of Christ…



We take the Lord's Supper every Sunday to commemorate and celebrate the wonderful gift of grace that Jesus Christ gave to us through his death on the cross. We meditate on Christ's sacrifice while servers pass trays down the aisles. Someone offers some thoughts prior to the trays being passed to provide new perspectives that might enhance the communion experience.



We spend a considerable amount of time in our worship gatherings in song. A worship leader leads the singing each Sunday morning. We typically have a blended song service that incorporates some praise songs and traditional songs. As part of our heritage in the churches of Christ, we choose to sing acapella in our Sunday morning worship gathering and value its participatory nature.



At Ellisville Church of Christ, we believe prayer works! There are blue prayer cards in every pew for people to fill out requesting prayers for needs or praises. We take time to read these prayer cards aloud and pray for these requests. If you would like to make a private prayer request, you can choose that option on the prayer card and the shepherds will pray over you.



Good teaching is another part of our worship gathering. Our lessons are focused on the Bible, understanding both the cultural context of the time and the way in which the text impacts our lives today. We also use innovative teaching methods from simple PowerPoint slides to video clips, culturally relevant illustrations.



As part of our communion service, we ask our members to contribute some of the blessings that God has given to them to continue the work of Jesus in our community and world. We don't have any expectations for our guests to give because your presence is gift enough. 


Adult Bible Study
Sunday - 9:30 AM
Childrens Bible Study
Sunday - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship Service
Sunday - 10:30 A.M.
Evening Worship
Sunday - 5:00 PM
Evening Bible Study
Wednesday - 7:00 P.M.
Sunday - 10:45 AM


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Talmadge Anderson
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