Training Videos
Let us show you how easy it is
Your web site on is easy to use and we can show you!
Just watch these training videos and see how easy it can be to have a
fully functional web presence. The videos pause after each step so you can
follow along on your own site in another window. At we take training
The videos are still being developed. Please forgive typos and other minor issues as we perfect this great training tool!
Series 1 - Getting Started
Lesson 1 - Creating your web site on
Lesson 2 - Understanding and accessing the 3 areas on your site
Lesson 3 - Changing the passwords on your site
Lesson 4 - Adding Service Times
Lesson 5 - Editing Service Times
Lesson 6 - Editing Your Home Page
Lesson 7 - Uploading Pictures to Your Web Site
Lesson 8 - Inserting Pictures On Other Pages of Your Web Site