Our terms of service
Limitations of use
TheLordsWay.com hosts sites exclusively for the churches of Christ, their
ministries or members.
All content posted is the responsibility of the poster but under no circumstances may any
sites contain pornographic material, foul language or any other images or text deemed harmful
to the church or the cause of Jesus Christ. TheLordsWay.com maintains the right to deem content
inappropriate and take
whatever actions needed to protect those faithful congregations who use the service. These
actions can be to remove any offensive material without warning or terminate the service of the
offending party if deemed appropriate by TheLordsWay.com.
Copyrighted material, including print, audio and video, should only be posted to your site if you
are legally allowed to do so by law. Any party posting copyrighted material does so under
their own authority and retains responsibility for these posting. TheLordsWay.com does not
monitor the legality of materials placed on individual congregations web sites.
A valid, current and monitored e-mail address for the responsible party within the congregation must be maintained within your
account on TheLordsWay.com. This e-mail will be used to communicate with you regarding payments, updates, system downtime and other
items that will allow for proper and relevant communication.
Hosting services are billed at $100 per year. Advanced notice it be sent to e-mail address listed on
the home page so please ensure this address is current. This advanced payment e-mail will contain a link to print
a statement with the amount of the payment and the date it is due. If payment is not
received the site will be marked as inactive, with all data being preserved, until such time payment
is received. If payment is not received within 3 months of the due date the service may be
terminated at the discretion of TheLordsWay.com