Union Grove Church of CHRIST 

What Better Thing to do than to Study The Bible!
If you have a Bible question, we are ready to give a Bible, book, chapter and verse answer? Put your question on our 'Contact us', then 'Leave a Message' page; or contact us at ugchurchofchrist@gmail.com

Come learn GOD's word with us, as we study The Bible.
Sunday at 10:00 and 11:00 am and 2:00pm
Wednesday at 7:00 pm

Guest Book

We'd like to know what you think about our web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors.

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Name: Chris Akin 
E-Mail: csakin67@gmail.com 
Comments: email

Name: eddy dyer 
E-Mail: edvis@att.net 
Comments: visted 12-22-19

Name: Eddy Dyer 
E-Mail: edvis@att.net 
Comments: Hoping to visit again

Name: Kidane 
E-Mail: yoelk@africamail.com 
Comments: Very awesome work and information I have read. Just sent you an email, can someone get back to me please.