Union Grove Church of CHRIST 

What Better Thing to do than to Study The Bible!
If you have a Bible question, we are ready to give a Bible, book, chapter and verse answer? Put your question on our 'Contact us', then 'Leave a Message' page; or contact us at ugchurchofchrist@gmail.com

Come learn GOD's word with us, as we study The Bible.
Sunday at 10:00 and 11:00 am and 2:00pm
Wednesday at 7:00 pm


   We completely accept all that the Bible says because we believe that it is the word of God. We are convinced that only Jesus has the words of eternal life (John 6:68), and that only through Him can men come to the Father for salvation (John 14:6). We recognize that following Jesus means more than simply calling Him "Lord, Lord" (Luke 6:46), so in all that we do we strive to adhere to the teachings of the New Testament. We simply call ourselves "Christians" (Acts 11:26).