Union Grove Church of CHRIST 

What Better Thing to do than to Study The Bible!
If you have a Bible question, we are ready to give a Bible, book, chapter and verse answer? Put your question on our 'Contact us', then 'Leave a Message' page; or contact us at ugchurchofchrist@gmail.com

Come learn GOD's word with us, as we study The Bible.
Sunday at 10:00 and 11:00 am and 2:00pm
Wednesday at 7:00 pm

Lesson 6 - What about The Church

Psalm 100:5 - For the Lord is good;...

How do I know if I'm following Truth?
-You must compare your life to The Bible
-You must constantly check yourself and compare your beliefs and make certain that they align with Bible teachings
-You must make decisions based on, 'What does GOD's word tell me to do'
-You must believe what GOD wants you to believe

Main points from lesson 5
-The Old Testament law was given to the children of Israel (Deuteronomy 5:15), it was a limited law until JESUS came to give us a better law (Hebrews 8:6).
-JESUS fulfilled the Old Testament perfectly (Matthew 5:17), something no other could have done. At JESUS death the New Testament was probated, and then became the law we are now responsible to keep (Colossians 2:14, Hebrews 9:15-18).
-GOD calls men through The Bible message, The Gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:14).
-GOD saves men through The Bible message, The Gospel (Romans 1:16, Ephesians 1:13).

What about the Church? 
Lesson 6 

". . . on this rock I will build My church" (Matthew 16:18) 

The word "church" is from a Greek word ("ekklesia") which means an assembly or called out group of people. God's church is made up of the people whom He has called out of the world of sin to follow Jesus. 
1. Acts 11:22; Acts 12:5 -- If the church had ears and prayed, should we conclude that in the Bible the word "church" refers to a material building where Christians worship? Y N 
2. Matthew 16:18 -- "I will build ___________." Who was to be the church's builder? ______ �Matthew 16:15,16 -- What had Peter just confessed about Jesus before He made the promise to build His church? ____________ ____________________________________ 1 Corinthians 3:11 -- Who is the foundation �of the church? ___________________ �Because Jesus said, "I will build my church . . .," what does that tell us about the timing of its establishment? __________ �Whose church would Jesus build? ________ �Acts 20:28 -- Why was it appropriate for Jesus to say "My church," referring to it as His own? _____________________ �Did Jesus promise to build one church or many churches? ____________ How did you reach this conclusion? 
3. John 17:20-23 -- What was Jesus' prayer for those who would believe on Him? ________ �
4. Ephesians 1:22,23 -- What is Jesus' spiritual body? _______________________ �
5. Ephesians 4:4 -- How many bodies does the Lord have? ____________ �
6. Luke 8:11 -- If God's word is a seed, then today how could we go about finding His church? _____________________________ 
The Establishment of the Church 
7. Acts 8:1 -- If the church was being persecuted in the first century, would it be correct to say that the church existed already at that time? Y N 
If Jesus promised to build His church (Matthew 16:18) and we later read that it existed in the first century, should we conclude that He fulfilled His promise? Y N 
8. Mark 1:14,15 -- What did Jesus say about the time of God's kingdom coming? __________ 
_____________________________________ 9. Mark 9:1 -- Would God's kingdom come/be 
present with power while some who heard the Christ speak were still alive? Y N 
10. Luke 24:49 -- From where would Jesus' disciples be endued with power? __________ 
11. Acts 1:4,5 -- Jesus told His apostles to wait for the Holy Spirit in what place? _________ 
How long would the apostles have to wait for the Spirit to come to them? ______________ 
12. Acts 1:8 -- When the Spirit would come upon the apostles, what would they receive? _____ 
13. Acts 2:1,4 -- What Jewish feast day was it when the apostles received power from the Spirit to speak in tongues? _______________ 
Acts 2:5,14 -- Those events on Pentecost took place in what city? _____________________ 
14. Acts 2:22,36,41 -- On that day, after Peter preached about Jesus, how did thousands of people respond? ______________________ 
In the Bible, anytime that the Lord's church/ kingdom is mentioned after Acts 2, the language indicates that it already existed. Prior to Acts 2, the promises and predictions show that the church/kingdom was yet future. The church began on that Day of Pentecost (in the same year as Jesus' death and resurrection). 
- It was about A.D. 30, a few days after Jesus returned to heaven, not the 1500's. 
- It started in Jerusalem, not Europe. 
The Organizational Structure of the Church 15. Ephesians 5:23 -- Who is the head of the 
church? ______________ 
Ephesians 5:24 -- Does God want the church to submit to the Christ in all things? Y N 
Luke 6:46 -- If Jesus is in heaven and His church is on earth, does it submit to Him when it is in subjection to His word? Y N 
If Jesus, our Head, is in heaven, then where is the church's headquarters? ______________ 
Note: In the Bible, (1) there is no mention of 
God's church having an earthly headquarters, and (2) each local church was self-ruling. 
16. 1 Peter 5:1-3 -- What were the Christians called who had the responsibility to shepherd and oversee God's flock? _______________ 
17. Acts 20:17,28 -- When Paul spoke to elders of the church, he reminded them that they were ________________, whose duty it was to ___________________ the church of God. 
Note: The word "pastor" (Eph. 4:11) means a shepherd. Thus, pastors are elders/overseers. 
In God's arrangement, the leaders of a local church are identified as overseers, elders, pastors, and shepherds. Would that be four distinct groups of people or one group? ____ 
18. Titus 1:5-9 -- When it comes to the family of an elder/bishop, what does the Lord require? 
* Elder's marital status -- ______________ �Pastor's gender -- __________________ �Bishop's kids -- ____________________ 
19. Note: In the New Testament, each time we �read about the human leaders over a local church, there always is a plurality of them (it is "elders," "bishops," "overseers"). �
20. 1 Timothy 3:8-10,12,13 -- Are the church's special servants called deacons? Y N �Are the God-given qualifications for deacons and pastors/elders mandatory or optional? ________________
21. Acts 11:25,26 -- In the 1st century, what were members of Jesus' church called: Protestants, Catholics, or Christians? ________________ �The Worship of the Church �
22. Matthew 28:18,20 -- If we now are under the authority of Jesus, should we be guided by the worship instructions of the old law or the new covenant? ______________________ �
23. John 4:23,24 -- Does God want us to worship Him in spirit and in truth? Y N �
24. 1 Timothy 2:1,2,8 -- When Christians come together, do they come to God in prayer? Y N �
25. 1 Corinthians 16:1,2 -- When were Christians commanded to lay something aside (give into a common treasury)? __________________ �Are only wealthy Christians required to �contribute financially to the church? Y N 
What is the new covenant's teaching about how much Christians should give? Is it 10% or according to how we prosper? __________ 
26. Colossians 3:16 -- When we sing spiritual songs, do we do that to honor the Lord? Y N 
Ephesians 5:19 -- When we sing spiritual songs, to whom are we supposed to make melody in our heart? _________________ 
According to the Bible, should we sing spiritual songs in order to praise the Lord, or in order to entertain humans? ____________ 
Does the teaching of the new covenant�(1) authorize or (2) not authorize the use of mechanical instruments of music as we sing praises to God? ______________________ 
27. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 -- Are Christians to take the Lord's Supper in remembrance of what Jesus did for them? Y N 
1 Corinthians 10:16,17 -- To break bread and "the communion": are these the same thing as the Lord's Supper? Y N 
Acts 20:7 -- After the beginning of the church, when did Jesus' disciples take the Lord's Supper/break bread? _____________ 
(according to Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 11:20,21, how often are Christians to partake of the LORD's Supper)?______________
28. Acts 20:7 -- When the disciples came together to worship on the first day of the week, did Paul preach/declare a message to them? Y N 
29. Do you want to be a member of the church whose beginning, activities, and worship harmonize with the New Testament? Y N 

All Bible quotations are taken from the New King James Version; ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

These materials were prepared by Roger D. Campbell. Permission is granted to reproduce and share them, but please do not sell them. (this was in tract form)

Lets study together, email me please at csakin67@gmail.com

"Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch."
