Union Grove Church of CHRIST 

What Better Thing to do than to Study The Bible!
If you have a Bible question, we are ready to give a Bible, book, chapter and verse answer? Put your question on our 'Contact us', then 'Leave a Message' page; or contact us at ugchurchofchrist@gmail.com

Come learn GOD's word with us, as we study The Bible.
Sunday at 10:00 and 11:00 am and 2:00pm
Wednesday at 7:00 pm

Lesson 5 - What about the Two Covenants

GOD's word will bless you in this life, and eternally, only if you believe and obey it. 

What isTruth
T-Totally Objective

T-Totally Objective
Impartial, Unbiased, Unprejudiced, Equitable, Fair

consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted

Comprehensible, Intelligible, Clear, Explicit, Accessible

not affected by the passage of time, or the changes in fashion or public opinion

free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere

In our unstable world with all its deceptions and perversions, we need The Bible; it is our hope, our stay, our peace.

Main points from lesson 4:
-We expect an objective standard in all aspects of life. (i.e. that an Ounce, Pound and Gallon are those exact amounts)
-Just because it feels right, or that is the way I believe, or that is the way my family believes, does not make it correct, safe or right.
-People can and do twist GOD's word, to their own and others destruction.
-The Bible is always right, consider the source, GOD.
-GOD's word makes us wise unto salvation.
-Look only to The Bible, for answers, to all Spiritual questions.

What about the Two Covenants?
Lesson 5 
Which portion(s) of the Bible's teaching does the Lord expect you and me to follow? 
Why does it even matter? 
God's word is our truth in all spiritual matters. The message of the Old Testament is truth, as is the teaching of the New Testament. For those of us living today, does the Lord want us to live according to the instructions of the Old Testament, the New Testament, or both? 
1. Exodus 19:1,2 -- After God through Moses delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, they crossed the Red Sea into the wilderness. To which mountain did they come in the third month of their journey? ____________ �
2. Exodus 20:3-17 -- In these verses, we read that the _______ Commandments originally were given orally (they later were written on tables of stone). �
3. Exodus 20:1,2 -- At Mt. Sinai, the message of the law came from _________________. �When the law was given at Sinai, to whom was it given? ______________________ �Because the law was given through Moses, in the Bible it sometimes is called "the law of Moses" (Luke 24:44). T F �According to the Jews' own counting, the old law/law of Moses contained over 600 distinct commands/laws. Would it be correct to say that the Ten Commandments comprised only one small portion of the old law? Y N �
4. Deuteronomy 5:1-3 -- At a later time (long after what occurred at Mt. Sinai), Moses reminded someone about a covenant which God had made. With whom did Moses say God had made that covenant? ___________ �Moses said that covenant between God and them was made at ____________, which is another name for _____________. �
5. Deuteronomy 5:15 -- The command to keep the Sabbath in remembrance of God delivering them from Egypt was given to ____________. 
Which statement about the law of Moses is correct? (1) It was given only to the nation of Israel or (2) God expected all nations to keep it. 
6. Hebrews 8:6,7 -- In this context of the book of Hebrews, the "first" covenant refers to the ____________________, while the "second" one refers to the ______________________. 
Which of these two is better? ____________ 
7. Hebrews 10:9 -- In order to establish the second covenant, what did Jesus do with the first covenant? ________________________ 
8. Hebrews 7:12 -- While the Lord's nature never changes, is it true that there was a changing of the law, that is, a change in which law of God was to be in force? Y 

9. Ephesians 2:11-14 -- Who were the "both" whom Jesus made one? _________________ 
10. Ephesians 2:15,16 -- What did Jesus do in His flesh with the law of commandments contained in ordinances? ________________ 
Which law was that? ___________________ 
What does it mean that the law was abolished? 
At what point in Jesus' life was the law abolished? ____________________________ 
11. Galatians 5:2,3 -- In the new covenant era, if one reasons that a male must be circumcised because it was commanded under the old law, logically speaking, what would such a person be a debtor to do? _________________________________
If we claim that we ought to keep one aspect of the old law's teaching about worship, to be consistent, what would we need to do? 
____________________________________ Three points to recall about the law of Moses: (1) It was only for the nation of Israel.�(2) It was temporary -- until Jesus' death. 
(3) It was/is not possible to be justified by it. 
12. Hebrews 1:1,2 -- Through whom does God speak to men today? __________________ 
13. Matthew 28:16-18 -- How much authority does Jesus have in the spiritual realm? _____ 
14. Matthew 28:20 -- As Jesus sent His disciples forth to teach/make disciples of all nations, what were they supposed to instruct people to observe? (1) What He commanded or (2) what Moses taught in the old law? ______________ 
15. Mark 16:14,15 -- What message did Jesus command His apostles to preach to every person in all the world? __________________ 
16. Romans 1:16,17 -- The gospel message is powerful enough to do what? ____________ 
17. 2 Thessalonians 2:14 -- How does God call men today? ________________________ 
Old Covenant vs. New Covenant 
Identity: "Law of Moses" (Acts 13:39) vs. "Law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2) 
Application: For one nation (Deuteronomy 5:1-3) vs. for all nations (Matthew 28:19) 
Sacrifices made: Animal sacrifices (Hebrews 10:4) vs. spiritual sacrifices (1 Peter 2:5) 
Special day of the week: Sabbath (Saturday, Exodus 20:8-10) vs. 1st day of the week (Acts 20:7) 
Chosen people of God: Israel (Deuteronomy 7:6) vs. Christians (1 Peter 2:9,10) 
Priesthood: From the tribe of Levi (Hebrews 7:11) vs. all Christians (1 Peter 2:5,9) 
A Warning from God 
18. Deuteronomy 4:1,2 -- What did God forbid �the Israelites to do with His message to them? ____________________________________ �
19. Galatians 1:6-8 -- Is it true that we are not allowed to pervert/make changes to God's gospel? Y N �What is the spiritual status of a person who preaches a message that is different from God's true gospel? _____________________ �
20. 2 John 9 -- In order to have the Father and the Son, what must we continue to do? _____ � ____________________________________
21. �Questions to Ask Myself When I Read any Bible Verse �
* (1) Who is talking? (Is it God, the devil, a prophet, uninspired person . . .?; Psalm 14:1) �
* (2) To whom is this spoken? (eating pork forbidden -- Leviticus 11:1,2,7,8) �
* (3) What is the context (the verses before and after it) about? �
* (4) Were there any special circumstances that existed at the time this message was spoken or written which might help us understand its meaning? �
Our next study together will be on ______________________ at _________. 

All Bible quotations are taken from the New King James Version; ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 
These materials were prepared by Roger D. Campbell. Permission is granted to reproduce and share them, but please do not sell them. (this was in tract form)

Lets sit down together and read GOD's word, email me at csakin67@gmail.com

"In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai." "For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel camped before the mount."
