Guest Book

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Name: Matthew Cruise 
Comments: Our prayers go up for your congregation. It has been some time since I contacted you, I retired at Fort McPherson in 1974, although I did not become a member of The Lord's church I remember where your building was located. We were blessed to plant a congregation in Saga, Kenya, they have began to lose family and friends to the virus, please pray for them

Name: marilynn Clanton 
Comments: I went to Church hear when I was 14 years old. I started going when i was 4.That was my roots as a Christian. My Christian family is why i live the life i live today. Was baptized when I was 12 by Roger McKensie

Name: Rapaka 
Comments: Dear Brothren,
I along with my wife staying in Fairfield Inn & Suits, Atlanta Airport South came for attending Rotary International Convention, Atlanta. We would like to worship with you today. We request you to pick us from hotel to your Congregation. I will be greateful to you for this kind of action.
Rapaka, India,
Preacher, Church of Christ,

Name: Pastor m.samson sasikumar 
Comments: Dear man of God.
praise the lord
i am pastor m.samson sasikumar from india.
kindly visite our website
so kindly help me our poor ministry.

Name: Addison Varner Jr 
Comments: I think that its very nice and userf-friendly

Name: Ms. Sylvia Anderson 
Comments: Just wanted to say I love this web site. I had come across your mailing of The Christian Citadel dated 8/2008 it was still great an gave an encouraging word. Be Blessed. Would love to be on the mailing list if the weeekly paper still exist. P O Box 342; Dolomite, AL 35061

Name: opbabu 
Comments: god bless you

Name: Mrs. Nancy Jo Emanuel 
Comments: I was impressed with your web site. My husband and I just moved into the East Point community.  
We both have been longing for a new church family.  We have been Baptized and indoctunated into the Church of Christ on Azalia Dr. in Charleston,  SC.
For me the simplistic service,  message and doctrine has always been appealing.
I hope and pray to meet y'all very soon.

Name: Mrs. Nancy Jo Emanuel 
Comments: I was impressed with your web site. My husband and I just moved into the East Point community.  
We both have been longing for a new church family.  We have been Baptized and indoctunated into the Church of Christ on Azalia Dr. in Charleston,  SC.
For me the simplistic service,  message and doctrine has always been appealing.
I hope and pray to meet y'all very soon.

Name: keijo 
Comments: Thank yo Lord for your presence us today and you will answer our prayers in miracles today!"Halleluhjah for grace and living the Lord among us in powerful life in peace and refuge and infavor with glorious salvation in Christ,thanks and bless,keijo sweden

Name: Paul K Nkhambule 
Comments: Greetings from Malawi. We wish and would like if you could be sharing with us some of your CD sermons in various topics. As growing christians and newly opened church, we hope we will learn more from you our dear brethren in Christ. Feel free to communicate to us at any time, or if any brethren family wishes to visit Malawi, they are most welcome into our congregation and into our families at any time. May God bless you all.
Paul K Nkhambule, Mzuzu Jomo Church of Christ,
Po Box 128, Mzuzu, Malawi.

Name: Matthew Cruise 
Comments: Dear Bro. Atkinson, I just sent a comment, and noticed that you have written a book, congratulations, most people have no idea how much patience and steadfastness it takes. Let me know the price, I am a historian, author, publisher, and a soldier in the Army of the Lord. I pray you have good success. You may view my wibsites: and May God continue to bless and keep you.

Name: Matthew Cruise 
Comments: Dear Brethren,
I lived in Atlanta for 13 years after I retired from the Army. I used to drive by your building and wordered who in the world you were, but thanks be to God he led me to the truth. I have included you work in my daily prayer. I am a advocate for disabled veterans who have no one to care for their admin needs, I am trying to locate a divorse decree for a retired disabled soldier, if there is anyone there like-minded, please contact me by eamail, I need someone to search the Dept of Vital Records. I pray that I hear from you, and may God continue to bless you. You may view on this site as the Baker Street church of Christ, in Bakersfield, CA. Thank you again.

Name: Tom Atkinson 
Comments: Happy anniversary to each of you! Me and Julie wish it were possible to be with you this weekend.  However, you are certainly in our thoughts and prayers.  You also a very big part of my journey of faith and for this I'm very grateful!  Wishing you many more blessings and years to come.


Name: Tom Atkinson 
Comments: Happy anniversary to each of you! Me and Julie wish it were possible to be with you this weekend.  However, you are certainly in our thoughts and prayers.  You also a very big part of my journey of faith and for this I'm very grateful!  Wishing you many more blessings and years to come.


Name: Tom Atkinson 
Comments: The history books are now ready!  The first orders will start shipping today.   If your are interested in a copy email me for details.   Thanks and God's blessings.

Tom Atkinson

Name: Tom Atkinson 
Comments: Just wanted everyone to know that I'm now taking orders on my book: "The History and Influence of the East Point church of Christ: Slected Stories of the Restoration Movement in the East Point, GA 1911-2011."  

This is a revision of my efforts printed in 1986.  However, the manuscript has been revised, additional information now included as well as many new photos.  Scott Harp has been kind enough to write the forward for the book.  

If anyone is interested email me for details.  

Happy Anniversary East Point!  May God continue to bless!

Tom Atkinson

Name: Tom Atkinson 
Comments: Just wanted everyone to know that I'm now taking orders on my book: "The History and Influence of the East Point church of Christ: Slected Stories of the Restoration Movement in the East Point, GA 1911-2011."  

This is a revision of my efforts printed in 1986.  However, the manuscript has been revised, additional information now included as well as many new photos.  Scott Harp has been kind enough to write the forward for the book.  

If anyone is interested email me for details.  

Happy Anniversary East Point!  May God continue to bless!

Tom Atkinson

Name: Todd F.Colbert 
Comments: I just love your church the members etc.

Name: Tom Atkinson 
Comments: Hi everyone! It's good to be able to get church news from home! I enjoy the website.

With the 100th Anniversary celebration of the congregation coming up in September, I have revised the church history book that I was privileged to write back in 1986.  The new edition will have photos that were not a part of the first effort and will cover the history of the church, primarily from 1911 to 1970, with a chapter dealing with 1970-present.  

If you are interested in this project please email me and put History of the East Point COC in the subject line.

Congratulations on 100 years as a New Testament church!

Julie and I miss you all!  May God continue to bless your work.  

Yours in Christ,

Tom Atkinson

Name: gloria morgan 
Comments: Spendid!

Name: Bontha Swarna Raju 
Comments: Dear Saints in Christ,
Just I saw your website. I appreciate you are all doing good job for Him. My name is B.S.Raju. I am working as a preacher for 13 years in Kamepalli church of Christ, India. I need your kind encouragement, help and prayers for the work here I am doing for Him. We are praying for you. Please pray for us.
In His name.
Yours Brother in Christ.
My postal address is :--
Bro.B.S.Raju. Evangelist,
church of Christ,
Talluri Nagar,
Vinukonda Road,
Guntur - Dt, A.P. SOUTH INDIA

Name: Ephraim and Regina Robinson 
Comments: Please tell everyone hello and we miss them dearly

Name: Regina Robinson 
Comments: I really appreciate that article bro Eric on " A different kind of rest"  ---may God continue to bless you and your wife as you do His good will--Love ya'll

Name: Julie Carmichael 
Comments: My maiden name was Julianne Felkins. I was a member of this congregation years ago.
Is there anyone that can give me any information on a former member? She was part of the family of Bro.Glen Ingram, a past preacher of that congregation. Her name is Jimmie Lee Tanner Lee, married and divorced from Jim Lee.
My mother, Louella Felkins, was a member of the congregation for 32 yrs before moving  to her hometown in Alabama.
Thank You,

Julie Carmichael


Name: Richard Wallace 
Comments: Just wanted to wish the church well.  Shirley and I will be leaving Sept. 28 for our second trip this year to Namibia.  Please keep us in your prayers.  Our love to all there.

Name: Carolyn R. Watkins 
Comments: I hope to visit at a worship service in the very near future!

Name: keijo 
Comments: And the joy has entered in me even today and heavenly power with milk rivers and honey sweet that live and joy for Jesus has came that we may have aboundet life in for ever and the Holy Spirit that be with us daily in joy and help,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden

Name: Rhonda Knowles 
Comments: Thank you to the ladies class for praying for my husband and his job,they called him today and he got it
I love all of you there and miss you too.I love the website,when ever I get too lonely i can go here to visit all of you
Rhonda Knowles

Name: Shannon Gentry 
Comments: Angel ( my wife ) and I was going over childhood memorys and it brought back thoughts of my church family in East Point.  You all hold a special place in my heart.  God bless you all and you are all in my thoughts and prays.

Name: Ron Nation  
Comments: God has really blessed me in so many way's, I am once again going to have the privilege of speaking for this great congregation in 2009. I am really looking forward to this great event, and i look forward to working with Bro. Gray as we endeavor to evangelize your community. Please pray for our efforts with diligence, and God will richly bless us. Ron....

Name: Bud & Ruth Cole 
Comments: Ruth and I attended East Point in 1949 till early in 1951 when H.A. Fincher was the minister and brother Welch was an elder. We moved to Dekalb county and placed membership at the Glenwood Hills congregation.We presently attend the Barnesville Ga. congregation.

Name: Marilynn Clanton(Glenn) 
Comments: I typed a letter to Bro. Shaw, but it would not go through on his web-site.I went to Church at East Point when I was a child.I'm excited about returning this Sunday. My parents are Charles& Nell Glenn. It has been over 30 years since I have come back.I was baptized there by Roger McKensie.They were some very very special people that I knew there and will never forget. They were the center of my life and has kept me strong in the faith.Please E-mail me.I would love to know about my home congregation


                    Marilynn( Glenn) Clanton

Name: Russell Kline 
Comments: I am the preacher for the Madisonville Church of Christ, in Madisonville, Kentucky. Recently, we launched our own web site on and I decided I would visit all of the other sites on this web hosting service to see what other brethren are doing with theirs. I enjoyed visiting your web site, and I wish you well in all of your endeavors for the Lord.

Name: Ephraim Robinson 
Comments: Hey there,
      WHO EVER YOU MIGHT BE-checking this e-mail.  Just wanted to stop by and say Hi!  lol
It took me a while to find the site because of the other Church that is now using the website that we once occupied.  But anyway, thought it'd be kinda kool to leave this message and make the readers day!
It just made my morning lol So which ever, of my loved ones this is; I love you much! See you @ church!  _____God Willing____;)

Name: Ephraim Robinson 
Comments: Hey there,
      WHO EVER YOU MIGHT BE-checking this e-mail.  Just wanted to stop by and say Hi!  lol
It took me a while to find the site because of the other Church that is now using the website that we once occupied.  But anyway, thought it'd be kinda kool to leave this message and make the readers day!
It just made my morning lol So which ever, of my loved ones this is; I love you much! See you @ church!  _____God Willing____;)

Name: Louis Boccio 
Comments: I like your web site! I would like to share our church of Christ site with you.     Focus On Truth TV programs produced by the New York churches of Christ has updated its web site for Summer 2006 with six new TV programs, written summaries, and scripture references. New programs include: Putting God First   We Have An Enemy   Facing Our Fears   Dealing With Guilt   Expressing And Dealing With Anger   Families Are Forever We pray our web site is a blessing to you and those who you share it with.   God bless your ministry-Lou Boccio

Name: Glenda Davis Sims 
Comments: Great Job, Rita.  This is really a great website.

Name: Tom Atkinson 
Comments: Nice website rita.

Name: Terri Sims 
Comments: Great Site better than the old one.

Name: B.D. Phillips 
Comments: The congregation of the Lord’s church at Town Creek, Alabama sends its greetings to the brethren at Eastpoint and would like to welcome them to the Lord’s Way. It is our earnest prayer that you will find your new website to be an asset not only in congregational information, but that it will become an effective tool in your work to reach the lost souls of this world form the cause of the kingdom. If we can ever be of assistance please do not hesitate to let us know.

His servant s and yours,
church of Christ
Town Creek, AL
B.D. Phillips

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