Audio and video sermons and Bible lessons, including written transcripts for free and easy down-load
Evangelistic tool filled with excellent articles and study helps
Sermons, Bible Studies, church directories and much more
Biblical studies to inform faith
Resource for extensive New Testament Studies
Resource for extensive Old Testament Studies
Gospel Broadcasting Network
Live Gospel Sermons and Lessons 24/7
Bible Studies and Sermon
Interactive Bible Lessons
Restoration Sermons
Church directories, sermons, bulletins and other relevant information
Dedicated to the proclamation and defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ
Excellent resource for serious Bible study and research
A Christian in Northern Ireland presents many great study aids and sound insights into life as a New Testament Christian
A unique source of information on biblical theism and the dangers of secular humanism
New Testament doctrine applied to modern day life
The International Gospel Hour radio program and articles written by Winford Claiborne
Evidence for your own faith and a great source to share with doubting/unbelieving friends who search for answers
A gospel preacher, Bible scholar, and Christian gentleman, is remembered through these sermons and Bible class notes. (Truth for Today World Missions)
Resources for outreach and more advanced Bible study. Under the oversight of the Champions church of Christ (Houston, Tx). (Truth for the World)
Offers many great on-line correspondence courses and a wide variety of study literature on every level of Christian outreach and growth. Under the oversight of the Duluth church of Christ. SALVATION STUDIES
Bible studies answering essential questions concerning how we are saved and remain faithful. Excellent evangelistic tool. Share it with your friends and family. WORSHIP STUDIES
Bible studies answering essential questions concerning how we should worship in Spirit and in Truth. Another excellent evangelistic tool to share with family and friends. EVANGELISM--HOW TO
A resource filled with practical studies designed to instruct members of the church on how to do evangelism.
From the City Blvd. church of Christ and Ronnie Crocker. Great articles on a wide variety of topics and texts. Includes a response to Charles Stanley's teaching on baptism. (Villa Rica church of Christ)
An unusually rich web page, filled with great articles, audio sermons, and Bible studies.
Searching for Truth Video
Important evangelistic tool to share with your friends and family!
The Christian Courier
A biblically based brotherhood publication, founded by Brother Wayne Jackson and now maintained by his son Jared. This is a sound and helpful tool for biblical study, both textual and topical.
Raintree Village Children's Home
Raintree Village is a faith-based,
community-centered, outcomes-based child caring institution dedicated to
providing needed services to "at-risk” children and their families. RTV is located in Valdosta, GA.
Bible Gateway
Excellent source for online translations and study material
Web Based Resources
Information provided by Lewis A. Armstrong, a member of the Fayetteville Church of Christ. Electronic journal articles covering a wide range of studies.
April 15, 2020
Hi, My name is Skyler and I work in the Public
Outreach Department of The Mesothelioma Center ( The American Cancer Society estimates that
over 250,000 new cases of lung cancer will occur this year. Of those, there
will be approximately 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma due to Asbestos exposure.
We appreciate the vital role that faith and spirituality play in the process of healing and restoration for people suffering from this terrible disease and posted a guide on its importance that you can find here:
Skyler Woods Outreach Coordinator