Jimmy was born in Greeleyville, S.C. and is one of ten children. He was graduated from C.E. Murray High school in 1971. He was voted the most outstanding student in both his Junior and Senior years. He and Sherian Conyers were married in 1978. They have three children: Yvonne, Ephraim, and Rhonda.
Before settling in his present work Bro. Robinson managed a shoe store in Atlanta. He began his work with MARTA March 1984 as a part-time employee. His quality of work and seniority have enabled him to advance to the position of Dispatcher/Supervisor. He has also been Sales Director for the wellness program of the Nomi Company, and IBO broker for American Ins., and loan officer for HLC of GA. He has also had people skills and business courses with the University of Georgia.
Jimmy has been one of the teachers in the local educational program. For many years he taught teenagers in Bible School. He was appointed a deacon on August 4, 1985. He has conducted home Bible studies, and has visited the sick and shut-ins. He is a good song leader, leads an excellent prayer, and is noted for his upbeat attitude and ready smile. His obvious concern for others has endeared him to those who know him.
He is a quality Bible student, and knows how to present the truth and answer error. It is quite fitting then, since he is worthy, and well qualified that he should be selected and appointed as an elder of this fine congregation as of December 10, 2006.