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To the Samaritan woman Jesus said, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). Worship is a most important matter to God "for the Father seeks such to worship Him." (John 4:23). Worship is crucial to man for unless man is a "worshiper of God" God will not hear him (John 9:31).
Pleasing worship (homage, reverence, adoration) to God is not merely a feeling, an emotion or something in the heart. Such must come from the heart but it must be expressed in accord with God's desire. To one with genuine love, respect, and appreciation of God's love, mercy, goodness, and grace should bring about that love, respect , and appreciation of God.
Acceptable worship during the assembly of the church may best be measured by results after leaving the assembly. As we depart the assembly some timely questions might be: Do I truly feel nearer to heaven? Am I more determined to teach others the Way? Am I more forgiving ? Am I more determined to purge my life of sin? Do I look forward to the next assembly? Am I looking for work that needs to be done for the Lord? May each of us determine to be present at each assembly to worship God in Spirit and in truth. And may each of us depart to practice "true religion" before God (James 1:27).
- Delbert L. Turner, Jr.
To the Samaritan woman Jesus said, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). Worship is a most important matter to God "for the Father seeks such to worship Him." (John 4:23). Worship is crucial to man for unless man is a "worshiper of God" God will not hear him (John 9:31).
Pleasing worship (homage, reverence, adoration) to God is not merely a feeling, an emotion or something in the heart. Such must come from the heart but it must be expressed in accord with God's desire. To one with genuine love, respect, and appreciation of God's love, mercy, goodness, and grace should bring about that love, respect , and appreciation of God.
Acceptable worship during the assembly of the church may best be measured by results after leaving the assembly. As we depart the assembly some timely questions might be: Do I truly feel nearer to heaven? Am I more determined to teach others the Way? Am I more forgiving ? Am I more determined to purge my life of sin? Do I look forward to the next assembly? Am I looking for work that needs to be done for the Lord? May each of us determine to be present at each assembly to worship God in Spirit and in truth. And may each of us depart to practice "true religion" before God (James 1:27).
- Delbert L. Turner, Jr.