
Morning Worship
Sunday, 10:45 AM

Our worship hour usually lasts from 10:45 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. and will always include congregational singing, prayers, a sermon, partaking of the Lord's Supper, and a collection of the financial offering. At the conclusion of the service announcements will be made that concern the sick or business of the congregation. At some point all will be asked to sign an attendance card. The cards are located in racks on the pew in front of you. There is a section for members to fill out and a section for visitors. Please fill in the appropriate information so that we may have a record of your visit.

Congregational Singing

Right away you will notice that our singing is done a cappella, which simply means that it is unaccompanied by an instrument of music. We do this because we find that the New Testament church historically, and most important, doctrinally (Ephesians 5:19 & Colossians 3:16) practiced only a cappella singing.

We encourage you to join in the song service. The song leader will announce the song number so you may find it in the song book and will direct us as we sing. Some of us sing very well. Some of us don't. We know that God wants, not the quality of the voice, but singing that comes from the heart.


At least twice during our service we will have one of our men come to the front and lead us all in prayer. Sometimes we stand during the prayer and at other times we remain seated. Most people bow their heads and close their eyes during prayer. The Bible gives no specific instructions about our posture when we pray but we find this helps us to concentrate.


The sermon usually lasts about 30 minutes. You will find it Bible centered and practical. You will find that our preacher wears no ecclesiastical garments or robes nor does he carry any title to distinguish him from the other members of the congregation.

At the close of the sermon the preacher will extend an invitation. This is simply an expedient time to invite listeners to make a commitment or request prayer. If someone responds for baptism, they will be baptized immediately. The baptism will be for the remission of sins (Romans 6:4-6; Galatians 3:27; 1 Peter 3:21).

Audio CD's are made of each sermon and available to all – free at your request. There is a table in the foyer where you will find a sign-up sheet for these tapes. You can go to our website and listen to archived lessons at your leisure.


The Lord's Supper

We observe the Lord's Supper as a memorial every Sunday. The reason for this is our desire to follow the New Testament teaching. The first century church celebrated this observance every first day of the week (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:23-30). Respected historians state that in the early centuries the Lord's Supper was an every Sunday commemoration. During the communion, plates containing unleavened bread will be passed through-out the congregation. The bread symbolizes the body of Jesus. Those participating will break off a piece and eat it. Next, trays filled with small cups will be distributed. The cups contain the fruit of the vine (grape juice), symbolizing the blood of Jesus. Each participant will drink the contents of one of the cups. We do not practice closed communion and every believer is encouraged to examine them-selves and partake.

Collection of the Financial Offering

Immediately following the Lord's Sup-per we will collect the financial offering. This activity is not a part of the Lord's Supper but it is a convenient time to do this. Those who contribute, give as they have prospered and they give an amount they have chosen of their own free will (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

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