The Sayre Church of Christ first met prior to 1922 but no one is sure of how it began. Before that time a majority of those who would be members were affiliated with the First Christian Church. A traveling evangelist held a brush arbor meeting where several people were baptized and others were introduced to things not in keeping with what was being taught in the First Christian environment. Denying any Scriptural authority for instrumental music and the missionary society a group broke off from the First Christian Church and began meeting in a rented hall. In 1922 Tysie Elkie held the first gospel meeting in a tent by the county courthouse and there were 25-30 members by this time.
In 1923 the church met in a house on north 3rd street near the old water tower. John Carmen was the minister and a Brother Norris and Brother Inman were the first elders.
Sometime during the early 1930's funds were raised to erect a small brick building on the corner of Sixth and Locust streets. The congregation met there until they outgrew the facility and another building program was initiated. Land immediately north of the first building was ured and a new building was completed in 1954.
Sayre was a growing a bustling community prior to the 1960's and at one time had a population of almost 3,000. It was during this time that the church grew along with the community requiring the various (and increasingly larger) meeting places.
Two events happened in the late 1970's and early 1980's that effected growth. First, the oil boom gained momentum and while Sayre had dwindled during the 1960's and early 1970's the population began to rise once again. The church had remained strong during the communities decline with attendance in 1972 averaging 250. As new people moved into the oil field, new members came to the church. A ond event was the disbanding of the Bulo Church of Christ in 1983. The 25 members of the country church merged with Sayre boosting membership and, along with the oil boom increases, the building became too small to accommodate the members.
Plans were made to construct a new auditorium. The Mackey family donated land immediately to the east of the building and a new 400 seat auditorium was built. The old auditorium was converted into a fellowship hall and the old fellowship hall was turned into class rooms. This project was completed in 1984.
By the end of the 1980's the oil boom had all but played out and attendance dwindled back to the 250 level. Since money was abundant during the boom the new construction was paid for before it was begun and so the lost income was not the blow it could have been. The church has averaged in the neighborhood of 200 in attendance since that time.
In 1923 the church met in a house on north 3rd street near the old water tower. John Carmen was the minister and a Brother Norris and Brother Inman were the first elders.
Sometime during the early 1930's funds were raised to erect a small brick building on the corner of Sixth and Locust streets. The congregation met there until they outgrew the facility and another building program was initiated. Land immediately north of the first building was ured and a new building was completed in 1954.
Sayre was a growing a bustling community prior to the 1960's and at one time had a population of almost 3,000. It was during this time that the church grew along with the community requiring the various (and increasingly larger) meeting places.
Two events happened in the late 1970's and early 1980's that effected growth. First, the oil boom gained momentum and while Sayre had dwindled during the 1960's and early 1970's the population began to rise once again. The church had remained strong during the communities decline with attendance in 1972 averaging 250. As new people moved into the oil field, new members came to the church. A ond event was the disbanding of the Bulo Church of Christ in 1983. The 25 members of the country church merged with Sayre boosting membership and, along with the oil boom increases, the building became too small to accommodate the members.
Plans were made to construct a new auditorium. The Mackey family donated land immediately to the east of the building and a new 400 seat auditorium was built. The old auditorium was converted into a fellowship hall and the old fellowship hall was turned into class rooms. This project was completed in 1984.
By the end of the 1980's the oil boom had all but played out and attendance dwindled back to the 250 level. Since money was abundant during the boom the new construction was paid for before it was begun and so the lost income was not the blow it could have been. The church has averaged in the neighborhood of 200 in attendance since that time.