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Name: keijo 
E-Mail: k.leppioja@hotmail.com 
Comments: Thank you Lord for grace with us and that the church may be great in you!"Glorious faith in Christ around the world and my familys hope and the church victory today in the light of heaven and let here be revival inout pouring of the HOly Spirit and  miracles among all who believe in miracles,thanks and bless,keijo sweden

Name: Barbara 
Comments: Skating for the youth next Sunday after church with lunch provide in the fellowship hall prior to skating.  Let Jason know if you can help out.

Name: Kevin Spaw Sr 
E-Mail: kassr563@comcast.net 
Comments: Heard you were going to have a Gospel meeting. Will put info in our church announcements. Hope to see you there.
                     Kevin Spaw Sr
                     Ken-Rock C.O.C.

Name: Barbara Fay 
E-Mail: bjfay@comcast.net 
Comments: Thanks Jason for the very nice pictoral church directory that you created and thank you Judy for taking the pictures.  This is a great way for us to get to know our fellow brethren better.  You both did a great job.  Will you be posting this in the member section of the web-site?

Name: Barbara Fay 
E-Mail: bjfay@comcast.net 
Comments: Extra good singing we had at Eastside church of Christ tonight, don't you think?  And the fellowship we had afterwards was good too.

Name: Barbara Fay 
E-Mail: bjfay@comcast.net 
Comments: We had a great fellowship fish fry at the building Saturday the 8th.  If you missed it you missed out on more than fish and hushpuppies.  Wish everyone could have been there.  Plan now to go with us on the Forest City Queen Riverboat ride on the 23rd of August and to attend our gospel meeting the last week of September.

Name: Debbie Higgs-Honeycutt 
E-Mail: debbie@quadword.com 
Comments: I am so glad you have this website for Rockford Eastside.  Years ago I was a member here and was baptized in this building.  My older sister was also baptized and got married in this building.  Many good memories!  Please continue to post pictures.  I love to see them and glad you have some captions underneath with names!  I have not seen Wayne and Hilda Davis since they were at Kilburn Avenue Church of Christ.  Also, I was thrilled to see that Neil and Beulah Inness were there and Neil was preaching.  I have recently contacted their daughter Linda who was/is a very dear friend to me.  It was great visitng with her as well.  They are the sweetest people.
God bless and thank you so much for maintaining this website.  Tell Mignon Burtman and Neil and Beulah  that Debbie Higgs-Honeycutt says hello and I love them.  Thanks again!

Name: Martha harris 
E-Mail: gerald2140@comcast.net 
Comments: This site is great! Those who are working on it are doing a good job,thanks for the hard work. & it was good to see Rick Parker's comments from Oklahoma on here today.People are already on it, this is so great.

Name: Rick Parker 
E-Mail: jrparke@windstream.net 
Comments: Brings back memories. Many years ago Neil went fishing with us up at lake koshkonong and he hung into a bruiser. never did see what it was. enjoyed your site. have been working on ours, it can be found at poteaucoc.org    (we are now in oklahoma) may God bless you in all your efforts.