There are various areas where we try to reach out to our community, to show that we care and that we are interested in their day to day activities.  Listed below are some of the ways in which we try to be involved in the community life of Center, Texas.
Support For Children's Homes
In keeping with James admonition to visit the fatherless and widows (James 1:27) we financially support the work of Cherokee Children's Home (Cherokee, Texas) and High Plains Children's Home (Amarillo, Texas) on a monthly basis. More>>


Voting Location
Our fellowship hall is used for a voting location for both primary elections and general elections. More>>


Life Line Stroke Screening
Once a year, sometimes more often, we partner with Life Line Screening to host a stroke screening event in our Fellowship Hall. More>>



Bible Class
Sunday - 9:45AM
Morning Worship
Sunday - 10:45AM
Bible Class
Wednesday - 7:00PM


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Tim Perkins
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Churches of Christ - Who Are These People?

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FREE - Searching For Truth Video

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