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What kind of audio files can be put online?
Area Audio
Date 4/18/2011
Question What kind of audio files can be put online?  How do I create the file?  When I do create files they are very large.  Can I do anything to make them smaller?
The file format MP3 is supported. You can use a free software call CDex to convert files or CDs to the MP3 file format. Go to and Search "cdex." Download and and install the software. It is easy to use but since most recordings of services are made on audio equipment that will not capture high quality stereo sound here are a few tips:
1. Open CDex and select Options > Setting from the menu.
2. There will be a drop down field called Quality. Drop down the values and select 'Low' in the field.
3. In the Biterate Min field drop box the values and select '32 kbps.'
4. For Mode select 'Mono.'
5. Click Ok.

When you use CDex the files will be smaller using these settings and the quality of your recording will not be greatly changed.
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