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New Articles Added Updated.

New articles have been added, they are under the headings, "AMERICA'S PANTS ARE ON FIRE" and "WHAT GOD DO YOU SERVE?" More>>
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Article Index added-updated

We have added a page of titles of articles listed by topics. This is a work in progress so please bear with us, we will ad more topics as time permits.

We have listed the topics; under a topic will be a list of ads, then under the ads will be the titles of the articles where you can find the topic you are looking for. More>>
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Volume five is here!

We still have our "Let the Bible Speak" series, volumes one, two, three four, and five. They are available at no charge, just send your order to our e-mail address or call us at (580) 225-5295 and we will send them to you. More>>
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