Lads to Leaders...
Is the oldest and largest leadership training program used by the churches of Christ.
- Trenton has participated in this program since 2009.
Has over 50 years of proven methods with three generations now trained to be servants in the church.
Teaches God's Word with no agenda, and stays out of the ditches, left and right (2 Chronicles 34:2).
Offers a wide range of books, materials and curriculum for year-round use.
Produces great materials by sound, respected authors that teach biblical concepts on timely subjects.
Brings the whole congregation together. Adults and senior citizens participate with children in completing events and activities(Titus 2:2-4).
Offers competitive and non-competitive events. (26 events are completely non-competitive.)
Offers Bartimaeus events for special needs participants of all ages.
Has events available for everyone ages 3-103.
Allows participants to learn how to deal with competition in a Christian manner. Competition is a real part of the real world. NOT learning how to deal with competition can be harmful as they deal with a competitive world and society. Selections are made in the church, as well (Acts 1:23-26).
Brings thousands together to worship in a traditional worship service under the oversight of a local eldership.
Does NOT offer events such as choir/chorus, worship drama and contemporary music. Questions? Ask us!