Trenton church of christ

April 2015 Philippine Mission Trip

Don and Jamie Walker will be leaving Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 9:05 AM for the flight to Clark Airport (via Chicago and Hong Kong) and then a trip to Urdenetta to their hotel on Tuesday at about 10 AM local time (about 10 PM EDT Monday). We are going to an area where we will be holding gospel meetings and conducting 6 VBS in addition to our normal Bible studies and personal evangelism duties.  Lord willing we will return home on May 17, 2015
Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for and make this evangelistic effort.
Check back here as Don and Jamie hope to have internet access and provide updates during the trip.
Don and Jamie arrived home safely after a great and successful trip!  One of the highlights of the trip was the increased control that teh Asingan church of Christ now has over thier finances.  Each month, with help from Trenton, N. Hamilton and Quitman churches, the Asingan leadership now handles thier own expenses and sets their own budget.  THis is a major step toward their growth.
The construction has been authorized and begun on the new property and hopefully, they can be meeting on their new property site within a year, Lord willing.
THere also was a great deal of legwork and research done regarding the expansion of the Lads to Leaders program to the Philippines.  A report has been made to the board of directors of the Lads to Leaders and we are expecting any day to learn of the expansion to this great island nation of Lads.  THis will be a trememdous step forward for the people of the Philippines.
Lord willing, I will make a trip back in Novemember to check on the work in Asingan and hopefully be making the final preparations for the first L2L convention inthe Philippines next May. 
God has been gracious in blessing this work and we thank you for your support and care!

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