The church of Christ at Barnesville
is a group of individuals desiring to serve God as instructed in Mk. 16:15-16.
We do not seek to be part of any manmade religious organization;
rather it is our desire to be Christians only.
The holy scriptures are our only guide and authority in doctrine and practice.
For in them God has provided all things that pertain to life and godliness
(2 Pet 1:3).
Our worship is offered in the manner taught by Jesus and His apostles.
We meet on the first day of the week
to sing praises to God without the influence of mechanical instruments,
speaking words in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs
which teach and admonish one another (Eph 3:16);
Offering prayers of thanksgiving, supplications, and intersession as instructed in (1 Tim 2:1).
Teaching of God’s inspired word (2 Tim 4:2);
Giving upon the first day of the week as we have been prospered (1 Cor 16:2);
communing with the Lord in the memorial supper which was given as a reminder of His death (Matt 26:26-29).
Anyone who has a desire to follow the teaching of God
without adding to nor diminishing from the scriptures are invited to visit and worship together with us.