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Lackland Terrace Church of Christ

Guest Book

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Name: Bob and Donna Ritchey 
E-Mail: the_ritcheys@yahoo.com 
Comments: While we are visiting family we wanted to make it to worship with Christian brothers that live in this area.
Our present membership is with the Colleyville church of Christ, Colleyville, Texas, a suburb of northeast Fort Worth.
We do plan to be with you tomorrow morning for the 10:45 worship.

Name: Terry Blackwell-Hendrix 
E-Mail: terry.l.hendrix@icloud.com 
Comments: I was just reading the Christian News and saw LTCOC mentioned.  My mom Nettie Blackwell attended church at Lackland Terrace from approximately 1973-2000.  In 2000 she moved to Ft Worth to live nextdoor to me and my family.  I attended from 73-80 when I got married and moved.  I was just wondering if anyone remembered her.  She passed in 2006.  I miss her terribly.  She was such a strong and wonderful person.  I know it was her faith that made her who she was.

Name: Ralph Lindsay 
E-Mail: linds263@yahoo.com 
Comments: Hello Brethren, my wife and I were visiting my son as he was graduating from air force basic training and I was very encouraged by the work you are doing for the Lord with your services at Lackland AFB. My son has been attending regularly there, and the message we heard today was very encouraging to us. Three young airmen were baptized while we were here this Sunday. We will be praying for them and you all, that we may all remain steadfast in the Lord until his coming. Thanks so much, may God bless you all in your work. In him, Ralph Lindsay

Name: Kidane 
E-Mail: yoelk@africamail.com 
Comments: Greetings from Asmara Church of Christ Eritrea, I am hopeful that your services are doing well and its our prayers that your church can as well pray for our congregation, members and the leadership here. If you have bible materials to share with us and with some teaching materials please do not hesitate to contact us and share with us. We too want to be a free nation as you are.  If you have time to write back please send us an email.


Tanks a lot

Church of Christ, Asmara

Name: Donna Pogue 
E-Mail: donna.aguilera@yahoo.com 
Comments: Hello, Fellow Brothers & Sisters in CHRIST,
My name is Donna Pogue and My family attends The Pleasanton Church of Christ in Pleasanton, TEXAS.
One of my sister in Christ here let me borrow a round,foldable fan while we were in services this morning. I noticed it had your address on it. So I took the liberty to send you this message and PLEASE if possible how can I get one of those great fans from your Church. It would be wonderful to have a few, but happy if I can receive one.
Please let me know if this is possible. Thank You for your understanding.

Donna Pogue

Name: Walter Williams 
E-Mail: wwilliams@armsofhope.org 
Comments: Just visiting your website. I am a member at San Pedro Church of Christ and an employee of Arms of Hope (Medina Children's Home.) I would like to visit sometime!
Have a great day.