(Adapted from Chris Widener)
Is it possible to have a great day, every day? Well, there are principles that govern our lives so that we can, to a large extent, control our destinies and create for ourselves the kind of lives that we desire. People who live based on principles achieve what they desire while people who live "REACTING" to circumstances do not. Do the following and see if you don't have a great day.
Focus on today "ONLY". Yes, we need to have long-range goals. But our primary focus must be on today. There is a success equation that goes like this: SHORT-TERM TASKS multiplied by time equal LONG-TERM ACCOMPLISHMENTS. With that in mind, it is imperative to focus on the short-term, to control it and make it what will eventually, when multiplied by time, equal long-term goals. Don't think about tomorrow. Today has its own trouble. You can work on tomorrow when it gets here. Instead, make today the best day you have ever had. You only get one shot at your today so focus intently on making it all that it possibly can be. Jesus said, "31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' ... 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matt. 6:31-34.
Embrace your power to choose. Dwight D. Eisenhower said that "The history of free men is never written by chance but by choice, their choice." The moment we realize that we have a gift from God that the animals do not have, mainly the gift of free will and choice, and when we realize the inherent power within that gift, and ultimately when we finally begin to exercise that gift, then and only then, will we begin to create for ourselves a GREAT day...each and every day! Take ownership of the direction of your life. Make your choices then carry them out!
Your attitude is up to you. Yes, bad things may happen in your day. The pitcher for "Team Circumstances" may have a tremendous curve ball waiting for you and you cannot control that. You cannot control what others may do or say. But you control your attitude. Your attitude about whatever happens to you is up to you. When something happens to you, you have a choice: "Will you let it get you down and depressed, keeping you from forging ahead and making the day the best one ever?" Or "Will you say to yourself that no matter what happens you are on the path to success and no obstacle will keep you from it?" Your attitude is up to you and when you choose to have a great attitude, you are choosing to guarantee to have a GREAT day, every day!
Live out and act on your priorities. So far we have dealt with internal perspectives, and that is indeed the place to start. But the practical place is in our priorities. If we want to make our days great, then we have to live out those things that will, by definition, make our days great. And those are the things that are important to us. They are our priorities. So each morning you start out by saying, "What things are important to me today? What are the things I need to accomplish in order for me to lay down tonight and know that I lived a GREAT day?" Then you put those in order of most important to least important. Don't do what is fun. Don't do what is easy. Do what is IMPORTANT! Live out your priorities! When you do, you will guarantee that you will make your day GREAT, every day! Tomorrow go through the following and see if you don't make tomorrow a GREAT day:
1. Focus on today only.
2. Understand that I get to choose how today will go.
3. Remain in a positive attitude no matter what happens.
4. Live out and act on my priorities.
Do this and you will guarantee a GREAT day, every day!
Keep the Faith! - Joe