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Will the wicked be
Will the wicked be "totally annihilated" in Hell?
No. This is a false teaching of materialists who deny that man has an immortal soul that survives the death of the body. Certain denominations teach that the wicked, including the devil himself, will be totally consumed and cease to exist in Hell.
What about the titles
Why aren't preachers for the church of Christ called "Reverend" or "Pastor?"
Not only is there no authority for the practice, but the Lord forbade it. Notice what he said about making distinctions of honor among disciples.
Bible Questions
What about abortion?
What is the position of the church of Christ on abortion?
A position would be the consensus of current authorities or leading parties, and as such, it would be the product of human wisdom.
Is the Apocrypha part of the Bible?
Why doesn't the church of Christ recognize the Apocrypha as part of the Bible?
The Apocrypha, a word meaning "hidden, obscure," is a collection of writings from the times between the writing of the Old and the New Testament.
Is baptism only by immersion?
Why do churches of Christ baptize by immersion only?
The short answer is that there is no other way to baptize. "Baptize" and its cognates came into our language from the Greek language of the New Testament.
Wouldn't a miracle help one believe today?
Why can't God give me a miracle so that I can believe?
The miracle to produce belief in God is the creation. Francis Bacon wrote, "God never wrought miracles to convince atheism, because His ordinary works convince it.
Did Alexander Campbell found the church of Christ?
Is it true that Alexander Campbell founded the church of Christ?
Absolutely not. The church of Christ was founded approximately 1755 years before Mr. Campbell was born. If he had founded the church of Christ, his followers would wear his name.
Should little children and babies be baptized?
Why doesn't the church of Christ baptize babies and little children?
No person is a proper subject for baptism who does not believe. Jesus said, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned" (Mark 16:16).
Why the name
Since every denomination considers itself a part of the church of Christ, isn't it presumptuous to call yourselves the "churches of Christ?"
The thing that is presumptuous is to act without divine authority in things concerning the Lord's body.
Why raise money by Sunday collection only?
Why doesn't the church of Christ use sales, raffles, assessments, and other incentives to raise funds?
The short answer is that the New Testament does not authorize any method except the freewill offering taken on Sunday.
Why have the Lord's Supper every Sunday?
Why does the church of Christ eat the Lord's Supper every Sunday?
The short answer is they do it because that is what the scriptures teach. This question would probably never arise except that some religious groups eat the Lord's Supper quarterly, or on special occasions, or whenever they want to.
Should one stay home if company comes?
If company comes for the weekend, should we stay home with them instead of attending worship on Sunday?
I wouldn't consider this question if I hadn't heard people seriously give it as an excuse for not attending worship.
Benefits of the New Birth
BENEFITS OF THE NEW BIRTHby Steven T. Eddy, 1990Text: John 3:3-5Aim: To describe the characteristics and benefits of the new birth in order to encourage obedience to the gospel and faithfulness therein.
Naaman Learned to Walk by Faith
NAAMAN LEARNED TO WALK BY FAITHby Steven T. EddyText: 2 Kings 5:1-14Aim: To trace the steps of Naaman's faith as an illustration of our own need to submit to God rather than let pride and presumption keep us out of the kingdom.
Baptism in the Plan of Salvation
THE PLACE OF BAPTISM IN THE PLAN OF SALVATIONby Steven T. EddyText: Mark 16:16Aim: To prove that baptism is essential in order to be saved.Introduction: 1. Some things are "either / or." 2. Other things are "both / and.