



Sheppard Street Church of Christ





After moving to Mt .Pleasant, Mr.  Alonzo Turner and Mrs. Versie Turner began conducting Bible Classes in their home in the 1920s and remained faithful, active members throughout their years.  As word spread, Brothers Willhite, Miller, Fox, Hart Lee and Giggles, the minister of the North Jefferson Church of Christ assisted in teaching the classes.  Others, such as Cecil and Alice Barrett and Nora Dobbs, also provided support for this work.


In the convening years, O. W. Williams and William Whitaker conducted Gospel meetings.  Tent meetings were held by Luke Miller, Luther Davenport and Russell Moore.   As a result of these endeavors, 25 souls were added to the Lord's Church.  Bible classes continued and others obeyed the Gospel.

Church services moved to Rutherford Hall with Brother Jones as the first minister.  In the summer of 1934, North Jefferson Church of Christ purchased a building on School Street, located south of the cemetery for us to use for worship service.   Bro. Scott Bradley, sponsored by North Jefferson Church of Christ, served as minister for several years.  The church continued to grow and in the 1940s saw the ordination of Elders and Deacons. The first Elders were Florence Brannon Sr. and Luther Davenport.  The first Deacons were Cecil Barnett, Woodson Gain, Willie Davenport, Al Turner, Herman Johnson, Robert Nickleberry, and Ivan King. 

In the 1950s, two large lots were purchased on the corner of Cash and Miller Streets.  The first building on site, to the East of the present, began as a small, white, shotgun structure.  Renovations performed by Mr. Fred Davenport provided the design and structure still evident today.   Today that building houses exercise equipment and clothing and other items that can be used to benefit the members and community. 

Brother Clifford Payne was hired as minister in 1955. The Lord blessed the Church to become self supporting and non dependent upon the North Jefferson Church of Christ for sponsorship and ministers' salaries.  Due to various circumstances, the leadership, Elders and Deacons was dissolved; but faithful, dependent brothers took the lead and continued to handle the affairs of the congregation.

In the 1970s the street name was changed to Sheppard Street.  Ministers in these early years and through the 1970s included but not limited to the following men:  Nokomis Yeldell, Jack Evans, Sr., Aaron Day, Arthur Smith, Willie Hunter, Will Williams and Alvester Broghton.

As the church grew and planted roots, so did its reputation in the community and brotherhood, not only for preaching the Word but also for its grand fellowships and community involvement.

During the years of uncertainty and changes, the following Brothers were instrumental in teaching and nurturing the congregation: Leonard Rockwell, Simpson Minter, Loyd Logan, Florence Brannon, Jr., J. D. Smith, Walter Turner, and Corithis Moore.  Bro. J. K. Hamilton began work with Sheppard Street in 1996.  During this time Bro. Hamilton and those brothers who took on the responsibility to help lead the congregation in the affairs of the Church had the vision to build our current building.  The building was completed and the first worship services held in the new auditorium in 1999.

Bro. Skippy Norman was our minister from 2008 to 2019.  While serving as minister; he implemented a monthly Food Distribution Program for the community as well as a Pantry, tutoring for children and other community involvements like the Titus County Summer Feeding Program.  Elders and Deacons were ordained in 2012.  The brothers who serve as Elders are A. J. Bell and Leonard Rockwell; and those who serve as Deacons are Fred Crowder, Vincent Hurndon, and Stanley Talbert. With this leadership, Sheppard Street was able to purchase two buses, and then convert the old building into a Community Activity Center with classrooms and a computer lab. To the church dismay their leadership dissolved in 2017. 

From the living room to the current worship hall, the Sheppard Street Church of Christ has grown and existed for over 90 years. We have been blessed even through our trials and filled with fond memories.  We are thankful to God and we express appreciation and gratitude to all those whose dedication, leadership, assistance, lessons and sacrifice helped bring us to this celebration.  A very special thank you to all former and present members, and all those who have had any part in this History.

To God, we give all the Glory, Honor and Praise.