Walter Scott Jr., Minister
Brother Walter W. Scott Jr. grew up in Adel, Ga. He was baptized into Christ under the teachings of Alvin Daniels in September of 2003, at Courtland Ave, Quitman, Ga. Brother Scott is married to the former Andrea Phillips. More>>
Bro. Eugene Godfrey was born in Naylor, Georgia to the late Brother Leroy A. Godfrey Sr. and Sister Eula C. Godfrey. He obeyed the gospel on July 29, 1962, under the preaching of Brother Dual Ghant. More>>
Brother Herman Godfrey, ELDER
Bro. Herman Godfrey was ordained as an elder in 2000. He and his wife Sharon have been married 36 years and have 3 sons – Rodney, Herman Lee Jr. More>>
Bro. Joe Rawls, ELDER Bro Rawls was ordained as an elder in 2000. He has been married to Katherine, for 27 years. They have two sons, Calvin and Nick. They also have two grandchildren: C. More>>
Brother Freddie L. Gregory Deacon for the benevolence, finance, building and records ministries.
Bro. Gregory has been a member of the body of Christ since 1977. Bro. Gregory and his wife Elizabeth Singleton Gregory have been married 36 years. More>>
Mark Johnson, Elder
Brother William Clark serves as deacon for the transportation, risk management, worship and grounds ministries.
Bro. William Clark was added to the Church of Christ in 1997. More>>
Rodney Keith Godfrey, Sr., Deacon
Randy Arnold, Deacon