CYC is coming up soon! Sign up if you would like a ticket!! Feb 21st-23rd is the date for CYC so mark your Calendars now!!!
Name T-Shirt Size (S, M, L, XL, Etc)  
Gavin Clark Large [Delete]
Caden Smith Large [Delete]
Desi Smith Medium [Delete]
Sadie Borchers Medium [Delete]
Adeline Scott Small [Delete]
Rohan Scott Small [Delete]
Cannon Woodside Youth L [Delete]
Preston Steckler Youth L [Delete]
Total Sign ups 8

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Mark your calendar for February 21st - 23rd. Tickets will cost $120 . More>>

Join us for Bible Bowl @ Lascassas Church of Christ along side LaVergne, Walter Hill, and East Main! More>>
