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Morris Hannah
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We seek to base our doctrine and practice on the Bible alone in order to be the church described in the New Testament. We believe God saves and adds to His church those who hear of and believe in Christ, repent of sin, confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and are baptized for the forgiveness of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:36-47).

We believe Jesus founded only one church, that the current divisions among Christians do not express God's will, and that the only basis for restoring Christian unity is the Bible. We simply identify ourselves as "Christians", without using any other forms of religious or denominational identification and we strive to recreate the New Testament church as established by Christ.

  • We refuse to hold to any formal creeds or informal "doctrinal statements" or "statements of faith", and rely solely on the Bible for doctrine and practice;
  • Local governance is by elders and deacons;
  • Baptism is by immersion of consenting believers for the forgiveness of sins;
  • We observe the Lord's Supper each Sunday;
  • We practice a cappella singing, and reject use of instrumental music in worship.

In keeping with our history, we hold the New Testament as our sole rule of faith and practice in deciding matters of doctrine and ecclesiastical structure. We view the Old Testament as divinely inspired and historically accurate, but do not consider its laws to be binding under the New Covenant in Christ (unless they are repeated in the New Testament). We believe that the New Testament demonstrates how a person may become a Christian (and thus a part of the universal Church of Christ) and how a church should be collectively organized and carry out its scriptural purposes.