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Guest Book

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Name: Michael David Redmond 
E-Mail: mdredmond@prodigy.net 
Comments: I had the privilege of visiting the adjoining cemetery a few years ago. My grandfather, William Redmond, Sr. was born there in 1895, and he was baptized at Antioch congregation around 1907. He moved, eventually to Augusta, GA, where my parents also lie.  William's father, F.M. (Francis Marion) and Mary Redmond are buried at Antioch, as are his father John (and Katherine) Redmon, as well as his father Simon (and Nancy) Redmon. To my knowledge, Simon moved to Pike county in the early to mid 1800s, from Swansea, SC, where a Redmond cemetery is also located to this day.  Simon's parents were probably John and Mary Redmon.  I don't know when they moved to America, but Redmons were from Ireland, mostly Wexford county.  My family and I are members of the Long Creek church of Christ in Columbia, SC. I know we are not supposed to get caught up in genealogies, but thought you might be interested. Do you still have a homecoming Sunday? Would like to attend. Many thanks.

Name: Kidane 
E-Mail: yoelk@africamail.com 
Comments: Greetings from Asmara Church of Christ Eritrea, I am hopeful that your services are doing well and its our prayers that your church can as well pray for our congregation, members and the leadership here. If you have bible materials to share with us and with some teaching materials please do not hesitate to contact us and share with us. We too want to be a free nation as you are.  If you have time to write back please send us an email.


Tanks a lot

Church of Christ, Asmara

Name: Cheryl Lowery - Birmingham, AL 
E-Mail: cheryllowery@aol.com 
Comments: My father, Lee Manning Little, was raised in Antioch Church.  My grandparents, great-grandparents, and several aunts, cousins, etc. are buried in the cemetery.  I visit the cemetery at least once a year.  I have wonderful memories of my Daddy talking about this church and all his relatives who attended there.  He had a lovely voice and enjoyed leading the singing.  I am so appreciative of all who take care of the cemetery especially.  It's wonderful to see a community and church who really care about the appearance of the cemetery as well as the church grounds.  

Name: keijo 
E-Mail: k.leppioja@hotmail.com 
Comments: Blessed be the name of the Lord in my home and my life and my the Church in joy for the word in God who will change our life to better in glory for God with Jesus bloods victorya nd doctrine in righteousness,thanks and bless and live in praying.keijo sweden

Name: Jason Mathews 
E-Mail: jmat1974@att.net 
Comments: Good job on the website!!  The Ooltewah Church of Christ should consider using some of the ideas laid out here for our website.

Name: David Colorado 
E-Mail: davidcolorado@cableonda.net 
Comments: It is  so wonderfull  the opportunity you  have to be  in the net. The Lord continue blessing the congregation in Antioch. Greetings from the
Tocumen church of Christ, Panama, Republic of Panama

Name: Max Davis 
E-Mail: max.davis.mcd@gmail.com 
Comments: Lorie and I were encouraged during our visit last month at services. I meant to mention that we found out while we were with you Sunday that a young man at our congregation was baptized Saturday night! His name is Jarrod Pepper and he 'grew up' at our location. He is about 20 years of age and we were very happy he obeyed the Lord. Please pray for him.
I am happy that Daniel and Laura use their talents while in Troy.
I appreciated the sincerity at both services.
Max              : Eph 6:10

Name: Patrick O'Connor 
Comments: Ypur website is cordial and friendly.  I am sure this is representative of the congregation there.  I left a question for you on your Discussion page.  I am trying to decide if my church is where I need to be.  Your articles are most convincing and persuasive for change.  I reside in the greater Atlanta area.  I look forward to reading your weekly articles.  This site is most helpful to me in trying to determine religiously where I need to be.

Thank you again for your help.

Patrick O'Connor

Name: Gauge Ballard 
Comments: I think this website is awsome

Name: Russell Kline 
E-Mail: msop1989@yahoo.com 
Comments: I am the preacher for the Madisonville Church of Christ, in Madisonville, Kentucky. We recently launched a new web site on thelordsway.com and I have decided to visit all of the other web sites on that web hosting service to see what they are like. I enjoyed visiting your site. May God bless you, in all of your good works.

Name: Carl Walker 
E-Mail: carlmartha@alltel.net 

Good to see you on the net with the Lord's way.  Hope it will be as useful to you as it has to us.  If we can ever assist you in any way, call opn us.

Carl Walker
Quitman, Ga church of Christ

Name: B.D. Phillips 
E-Mail: bdphillips61@hotmail.com 
Comments: Greetings to the congregation at Troy from the brethren at Town Creek, Alabama. Welcome to the Lord's Way! May your new website be a valuable tool for reaching out to the lost and the upbuilding of the kingdom. If we can be of service to you please let us know. God bless you in all things.

His servant and yours,
church of Christ
Town Creek
B.D. Phillips

Thank you for signing our guestbook. Keep checking back with us as our site changes daily and grows with the Lords help.

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