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Church Of Christ Of Floresville

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Who Are We?


      This congregation is a group of people drawn together by a common faith in Jesus Christ for worship and service. It's members wear no name but that of Christian, yet we do not claim to have attained everything that this name represents. We are a free, independent, self-governing congregation under Christ alone as Head, with no denominational affiliation or earthly headquarters, though we recognize a particular closeness to other churches of Christ. We are free to study, teach and work as our conscience, directed by the Bible, leads us. We deplore the divisions among those who are seeking to follow Christ, and pray for the time when all human barriers will be removed so the unity Jesus prayed for will prevail. (John 17: 20-23)

      We carry on our work and worship as we understand the Scriptures to teach. We are careful to follow the apostolic practice of celebrating the Lord's Supper each Lord's Day. Our music is the praise of our lips without mechanical accompaniment. Our prayers of thanksgiving and petition are from the heart, seeking the power and favor of God, not just a ritual or repetitive form. The preaching of the Word of God is given a prominent place, for we believe that God always speaks in worship that is "in spirit and in truth", and that we must be attuned to hear. Our giving is liberal and in proportion to our income, symbolic of our dedication to Christ. The entire service of praise and worship is planned, but not a rigid formality.

      Acceptance into the congregation (church) is by baptism or by transfer of membership of a baptized believer from another congregation. Those who are not baptized believers are taught to believe in Jesus Christ, to resolve or to turn away from their sins (repent), to confess their faith in the Lord and to be buried (immersed) in baptism for the remission (forgiveness) of their sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, just as it is taught in the Bible. (Matthew 28:16-20 & Acts 2:38) The baptism commanded by Jesus was one of immersion, symbolizing His death, burial and resurrection. It demonstrates the believer's "death to self and sin", his burial of "the old man" and a resurrection to a "new life". (Romans 6:4)

      We do not exist merely for selfish purposes, but to follow Him who "came to serve and gave His life a ransom for many". (Matthew 20:28) We help in mission work and benevolence to the extent of our abilities.

Our marching orders are the Lord's great commission; to "go into all the world and preach the gospel". Our hope is everlasting life in heaven. Our aim is to glorify, "Jesus Christ and Him crucified". (1 Corinthians 2:2)

We Are The Body Of Christ

1 Corinthians 12:27




Our Purpose as a Congregation of God's People
Provide, Promote and Teach the Word of God,
and His Son, Jesus Christ
through Education, Benevolence and Outreach.

The vision of the Church of Christ of Floresville is to facilitate the creation of a Christian community devoted to worshiping and serving God and loving our neighbor as our self.


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