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Message - Re: Confusion?? Posted By BRO. UCHENNA F. BEKEE on 7/29/2007 3:41:00 PM - Subscribe to this discussion here - Subscribe

Dear, your confusion is not out of place. but the bible has helps to offer to clear your confusions. In John 17. Jesus prayed for the unity of the believers not of all the denominational churches that you see. the Bible made it clear that jesus built a church and that He purchased her with his own blood Acts 20:7, and the body is one Eph. 4:1-4. He alone is the head of thr body the church which he built with His own blood. eph. 5:16-19.
your confusion is due to the fact that there are many false christs in our world today but, the Bible will guid you to the point of clearification and truth.
the lord's church is there to help you find your way back to God.

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