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Message - A fresher perspective Posted By Preston Holland on 4/2/2007 12:31:00 AM - Subscribe to this discussion here - Subscribe

I've been a remote student (Nashville, Tenn) of Bill's for a few years now.  I've developed a fresher perspective on God's Word that has allowed me to discern truth and fiction.  For example, watching very charasmatic plastic smiled "revs" on television, I realize that their captive audience isn't following the truths of scripture, but that particular speaker's personality.  One day the fad is 40 days of purpose, the next day it's Oprah's latest diet book.  

Has anyone else noticed their perspective on wordly ideas has been freshened as a result of hearing real teaching at Crestview?

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Re: A fresher perspective - Joyce Burney 5/26/2007 8:32:00 PM

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