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Message - Re: denominational Posted By Don on 2/9/2007 9:00:00 AM - Subscribe to this discussion here - Subscribe

When it comes to the subject of making judgments on the eternal destination of deceased friends or family members..it is an area that falls outside of the realm of the things that the Christian has responsibility to decide.  The greatest news regarding all those who have died is that they are in the hands of a loving and merciful God who will do what is right.   The answer that I can give is that God is very clear about what He expects of those of us who are still alive.  He has not offered any other way of salvation except obedience to His Word.  In Romans 6:23 Gid makes it clear that all haved sinned and that the wages earned for sin is death. Jesus is very clear in Mark 16:15-16 that without belief salvation is not possible.  As Peter preaches the first gospel sermon in Acts 2:38 that salvation requires repentance or a change of life to assure a home in heaven.  Both Jesus and Peter would furhter state that forgiveness of sins takes place as baptism is for the "forgiveness of sins"  (Acts 2:38).  After sins are forgiven in the waters of baptism for a penitent believer, Revelation 2:10 points out the necessity of living faithfully until death to receive "a  crown of life".
To give the answer to the destiny of those who have already passed into eternity, God does not give us the responsiblity of judging, He will do that.  He does expect  us to live steadfast lives accoording to His Word the Bible as it will be the standard that all are judged by.
Sorry for the delay in addressing your question.

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Re: denominational - Kymberly Cliatt 2/15/2007 9:04:00 AM

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