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Message - Upcoming Ladies Day 2/24/24 Posted By Shelia K Dean on 1/10/2024 6:31:00 PM - Subscribe to this discussion here - Subscribe

Hello.  I am with the Pleasant Valley Church of Christ in Van Buren, AR.  I am sending out invitations for our Ladies Day February 24, 2024, with Pam Stewart of the Denver area doing our speaking. We would love to have any and all ladies who can attend come.  I would like to get an update on your mailing address so I can send a hard copy of our flyer.  You can reach me at 303-919-4931.  Thanks.  Shelia Dean

Flyer information:

Pleasant Valley Church of Christ
6020 Kibler Road
Van Buren, AR  72956
Ladies Day
February 24, 2024
Theme:  Evangelistic Women With A Heart for God

Guest Speaker is Pamela Stewart of Firestone, Colorado
*Author of Evangelistic Women, A Study of Women’s Ministries
*Former instructor with the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver Women’s Program

The Day’s Program
9:00 a.m. Registration and Continental
9:30 a.m.   Devotional, Introduction
9:45 a.m.   Women’s Role in the Church
10:45 a.m. Women of the Bible and Their
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Survey and Group Discussion
  1:45 p.m. Wrap Up & Dismiss

The Program will be held in our Outreach Center. Please enter through the west entrance.  Come comfortably dressed to enjoy a day of learning & fellowship.

Copies of Pam’s book will be available to purchase for $10 each.

RSVP by February 12, 2024, with the number from your congregation that will be attending by calling or texting Shelia Dean at 303-919-4931 or
emailing your number to sheliakd@prodigy.net.

We look forward to having you join us February 24, 2024!

Current Replies -  Main Board
Super theme! Earn every minute without limit of 10 - OlpsaK 9/18/2024 11:57:00 PM

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