Subscribe to this page via e-mail here - Subscribe ZION GOLD FOR CHRIST'S OLYMPICS ZION GOLD FOR CHRIST'S OLYMPICS 1. More Gold Than Olympus or Barcelona The city of pure gold - Rev. 21:18 The street of the city is of pure gold - Rev. 21:21. 2. Crowns of Gold For Christ's Athletes. More>> THE CRUCIFIXION ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> RECONCILING WITH GOD RECONCILING WITH GOD More>> THE BEAUTY OF BEING A CHILD IN THE CHURCH THE BEAUTY OF BEING A CHILD IN THE CHURCH More>> DOCTRINE THE ONE TRUE CHURCH THE ONE TRUE CHURCH I. WHAT IS THE ONE TRUE CHURCH? A. The Church Is Not A Building or a meeting place as some dictionaries define it. B. The Church Is Not A Denomination, a Sect, A Cult Or A Human Originated Institution. More>> WHAT THE ONE TRUE CHURCH BELIEVES WHAT THE ONE TRUE CHURCH BELIEVES1. We believe that there is only One True God. Deut.6:4; 4:39; Mk.12:29,32; I Tim.2:5; Eph.4:4; Eph.4:4.2. We believe that there are three personalities in the one true God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - Col. More>> THE AUTONOMY OF THE CHURCH THE AUTONOMY OF THE CHURCH The subject on the Church of Christ being autonomous has been confused recently. In Bible Camps, Seminars, Lectureships, Bible Classes of the church, some leaders have been teaching and claiming that "the Autonomy of the Church" is dead and therefore must be buried. More>> RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY ASCERTAINING BIBLICAL AUTHORITY 2 Tim. 3:14-17 Purpose: To understand that the Bible is to be our authority. I. Introduction A. Def. Ascertain: to discover through examination and experimentation. More>> OUR ONLY GUIDE The Bible Is Our Only Guide Col. 3:17 Purpose: To understand that the Bible is sufficient as our guide. I. Introduction: A. It is the best selling book of all times. Took over 1,600 years to write by over 40 writers. More>> CHURCH MISSION WHAT IS THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH? Mark 16:15-16 Purpose: To review what the church is to be doing. I. Introduction: A. Sometimes we forget what our mission really is. How many times have you gone to the store only to have forgotten what you went to purchase? More>> ORGANISATION OF THE CHURCH HOW IS THE CHURCH TO BE OORGANISED? Phil. 1:1-2 Purpose: To review how the church should be structured. I. Introduction: A. There are various forms of church government in use today. Some have a central head of the world. More>> BAPTISM WHAT IS THE ROLE OF BAPTISM? Rom. 6:1-6 Purpose: To show that baptism is essential to our salvation. I. Introduction: Most every Christian organization/church holds to some form of baptism. However, this remains a very divisive issue. More>> RESTORATION RESTORATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH Matt. 16:15-18 Purpose: To provide an overview of the need for restoration. I. Introduction: A. Matt. 16:15-18. Jesus built His church, the one church, the one body of Christ. More>> LORD'S SUPPER WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LORD'S SUPPER? 1 Cor. 11:23-26 Purpose: To examine the reasons why we partake. I. Introduction: A. The Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:20) is known as several things. Communion (1 Cor. More>> All DOCTRINE >> MORAL ONE ANOTHER ONE ANOTHER 1. Jn.134:34 - Love one another - II Thess.1:3 2. Heb.10:24 - Spur or provoke one another toward good works. 3. Heb.10:25 - Encourage one another. 4. Eph.4:32 - Be kind and compassionate to one another. More>> SIN SIN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES A. WHAT IS SIN? Rom. 14:23 - Whatever is not from faith is sin. I Jn. 5:17 - All unrighteuosness is sin. Jas. 4:17 - Knowing good and not doing it is sin. I Jn. 3:4 - Sin is transgression of the law. More>> GAMBLING New Gambling Studies Highlight Age-Old Problem Publish date: April 26, 1999 Author: Wayne Jackson Article description: A recent study reveals the destruction caused by gambling. According to a recent investigation conducted for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission, some 20 million Americans have, or could develop, a serious gambling problem. More>> GAMBLE Is Gambling a Moral Issue? July 18, 2005 by Wayne Jackson Is gambling a “moral” issue? Some suggest that it is not; it is merely a pragmatic issue. Reflect upon this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints segment. More>> WHAT ABOUT GAMBLING? What about Gambling? QUESTION: "Do you have scriptures on gambling? Is it wrong if you don't hurt anyone including yourself?" From FL. ANSWER: Dear Mr. More>> GAMBLING GAMBLING MARVIN L. WEIR One does not have to do very much research before finding out that crime figures of all types are tied in with gambling. Gambling has become a “respectable” (?) and very popular sin within our society, and each year it makes more and more people its prisoner. More>> ABORTION RU-486, ABORTION, AND THE BIBLE The Food and Drug Administration's recent approval of the use of the abortion pill RU-486, will likely result in a dramatic increase of abortion in this country. More>> FORGIVENESS The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) Introduction: 1. One of the most difficult disciplines we will ever learn is the discipline of forgiveness. 2. As difficult as it may be to practice, development in this area is not optional, but a “must” if we desire to be forgiven ourselves. More>> GUIDING CHILDREN TEN THINGS I WANT MY DESCENDANTS TO KNOW Rearing sons can be a humbling experience. Teenagers and their parents endure some difficult times. As parents, Laurel and I have much more patience and understanding of those who are in the childrearing years. More>> ENCOURAGEMENT GOD EXPECTS WHAT DOES GOD EXPECT OF US? 1 Thes. 4:1-2 Purpose: To see how God expects us to obey, grow and work. I. Introduction: A. A young teenager sits dejected on the couch in the den. “I don’t know what you expect out of me. More>> FIVE RULES OF LIFE ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> WHAT IS WRONG? WHAT IS WRONG?By Jim Sasser Something is wrong, bad wrong, when we can't have all the members of the church and their children in attendance for Bible study. Yes, something is wrong when members refuse to attend the Bible classes. More>> THE WAY TO UNITY THE WAY TO UNITY JOHN 11:20-23; PROVERBS 14:12 Glen Murphy I NTRODUCTION: 1. JESUS PRAYED FOR UNITY, "THAT ALL MEN WHO WOULD BELIEVE IN HIM MIGHT BE ONE AS HE AND HIS FATHER ARE ONE." 2 THIS UNITY CAN BE GAINED, BUT NOT IN THE PLANS OF MEN---BUT RATHER IN GOD' S PLAN. More>> DENOMINATIONAL DOGMA SPIRITUAL GIFTS SPIRITUAL GIFTS I. WHAT WERE THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS? There are four groups of spiritual gifts in the New Testament. 1. I Cor. 12:1-11 - Miraculous gifts used by the Apostles and the early christians. More>> SABBATH WHICH DAY IS BINDING, SABBATH OR THE LORD'S DAY? More>> CHRISTMAS ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> INFANT BAPTISM ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> HOME MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> SALVATION WHO WILL GOD SAVE WHO WILL GOD SAVE? 2 Pet. 3:9 Purpose: To probe the question of who God will save. I. Introduction: A. Many people shy away from religious discussions. Especially those discussions that inevitably include some form of judgment. More>> LOSE SALVATION? ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> HEAVEN & HELL HEAVEN AND HELL ARE REAL Rev. 20:11-15 Purpose: To realize that we will live forever somewhere. I. Introduction: A. The preacher for the most watched religious program in America (Joel Osteen) refuses to preach about hell. More>> HISTORY GREAT APOSTASY THE GREAT APOSTASY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH OF CHRIST THE INTRODUCTION The Bible says, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some (not all) shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth" (1 Timothy 4:1-3) Now, there are many different ways by which we can depart from the faith because we can be deceived by religious error. More>> CHANGE AGENTS CHANGE, TRANSITION, ABANDON ![]() The Shifting Current ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> SHALL WE CHANGE? SHALL WE CHANGE ? By Robert C. Veil, Jr. We live in a world of drastic change. World call to mind the instability. Within our own land, society is on the move, continually changing culturally, linguistically, technologically, and morally. More>> TO CHANGE OR NOT TO CHANGE? To Change or Not to Change? By Dennis (Skip) Francis There has been tremendous pressure applied in recent years to change the message the church preaches, to change the methods used for getting the message across, and to change the moral ground on which the church stands. More>> THE CHURCH IN TRANSITION The Church in Transition By Adron Doran Many of our brethren are speaking and writing about making changes in the church to make a transition into the coming twentyfirst century. They justify their claim that the church must affect changes in certain areas because society is in the process of change so as to meet the challenge of the next century. More>> MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE MINISTERS Ministerial Alliance Ministers By E. Claude Gardner With the current religious landscape by the "changers," it is not surprising that more of "our" preachers are joining the denominational ministerial alliances. More>> WHAT IS OUR GREAT OBJECTIVE? ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> TRADITION OR TRUTH? Tradition or Truth? By Michael Light In recent years a charge is made against the churches of Christ that its worship is too "traditional." The charge is that what the brethren have taught and still teach is our tradition and no necessarily based on scriptural truth. More>> STUDIES IN THE RESTORATION Studies in the Restoration By L. L. Brigance (Leonard Lee Brigance, 1879 to 1950, was a professor of Bible at Freed Hardeman College for many years. His logical mind enabled him to transmit clear, clean-cut thoughts. More>> WORSHIP PRAYER ERROR: Mixed tags found More>> Women Keep Silence Let Your Women Keep SilenceMichael E. Grooms Women contribute in a very valuable way to our society, and in the work of the church. The value of the roles played by godly women cannot be overstated. The Bible speaks of certain women who were instrumental in the work of the church. More>> CHRISTIAN LIVING CHURCH ATTENDANCE CHURCH ATTENDANCE INTRODUCTION: The church, being the people of God, must by all means meet together to worship and glorify their Maker at any place they choose. Weaknesses among the people of God deprive them from meeting together. More>> |
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