Hardin County Church of Christ


Bible Class
Friday, 7:00 PM

          Bible class is a wonderful time to dive deeper into God's word. This class is not a substitution for personal daily study; however, it is a great time to study with each other. This Bible class is designed to be a classroom discussion type class. We encourage you to take advantage of this time to gain a deeper insight into God's inspired word. Although we use  this time to dive deep into God's word, we also have this time set aside to be used for new converts or those who are just starting their journey in God's word. If we have anyone who needs a more one-on-one type study, this is the best time to get that needed study. 

What to Expect:
        We understand that it can be intimidating to attend a class that is in an unfamiliar format. To help put your mind at ease we will explain what happens at a typical Friday night class. We start every class, no matter when it is, with an opening prayer. At this time we thank God for his grace and allowing us the opportunity to study from His word. After opening prayer, we move into the materials we are currently studying. The class itself is set up to be a discussion oriented class; this allows those participating to ask questions and get input from others in the class. After about 45 minutes of discussion we will have a closing prayer; this ends our class for the night. The Friday night class is typically about an hour long. This class is currently on Zoom. Please call the building for more details and the passcode for Zoom.