Apologetics Press
Christian Evidences - dedicated to the defense of New Testament Christianity.
Bible Gateway
A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.
Christian Courier
A church of Christ magazine investigating religious doctrine, Christian evidences and ethical issues.
Please visit our Facebook page.
World Video Bible School
Serving the church since 1968 by making teaching and evangelism materials for the church's use worldwide.
Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team
The Disaster Response Team is immediately available to the local congregation(s) in the disaster stricken area. The purpose of the Disaster Response Team is to aid the local congregation in recruiting and receiving volunteers to assist with the emotional and spiritual needs of the disaster victims and to assist them in the clean-up and rebuilding stage.
Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort
Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort immediately responds to any major disaster in the continental United States. We contact the leadership of local Churches of Christ in or near a major disaster area. If the leadership says their local congregation wants to help, we send and turn over to that congregation truckloads of emergency food, personal hygiene, infant care, water, cleaning supplies, and pallets of additional basic needs, for them to distribute to the disaster victims. These supplies are to be given to anyone affected by the disaster, regardless of race, creed, origin, gender, or religious preference.
Healing Hands International
Since our beginning in 1991, Healing Hands International has delivered more than $100 million in aid to more than 75 countries around the world. We continue to send medical supplies and aid, but we also drill water wells and train community leaders in Food Sustainability.