Online Event Registration

You need to login to register for an event.

E-Mail Address
  If you have forgotten your password, enter your e-mail and click the Send button.

Are you new?  Sign up for a login by clicking here.

Note: We ask you to login so our site can "remember" you in case you start an event registration and need to stop and finish it later.  Logging in will also help you by allowing you to register for future events more easily while keeping your information private.


Morning Bible Study
Sunday - 9:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Evening Worship
Sunday - 6:00 PM
Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday - 9:00 AM
Evening Bible Study
Wednesday - 7:00 PM


December  2024
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There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
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Bob Jackson III
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Tim Rollins
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Barb Jackson
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Ed Alexander
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Charles Smyth
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