
"As you travel life's pathway, make heaven your goal,/ It is sin that will burden your soul;/ Seek from heaven God's blessings, He'll pardon your sins,/ He will give you new life to begin,/

"Heavenly home, haven of love, What a beautiful mansion above,/ Where God is the Light in the home of the soul, Oh, the beautiful city of gold;/ Calling for you, calling for me,/ 'Tis a heavenly home of the free, In that heavenly City with God on His throne,/ in that beautiful, heavenly home." [Howard, 1978]

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

Today's to do: keep my life Heaven-focused; repent of any sins in my life; live a new life in Christ; have a good day.