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Article 78 - Simple Facts

Simple Facts About the Bible
Jon Gary Williams
How did the Bible come to us?
1. II Tim. 3:16 ________________________________________________
2. II Pet. 1:21 _________________________________________________
3. I Pet. 1:9-11 ________________________________________________
Literal descriptions of the Bible
1. I Thess. 2:13 ________________________________________________
2. Heb. 10:7 __________________________________________________
3. II Tim. 3:16;  John 5:39 _______________________________________
4. Heb. 5:12;  I Pet. 4:11 _________________________________________
5. Acts 7:38 __________________________________________________
6. Jam. 1:25 __________________________________________________
Symbolic descriptions of the Bible
1. Ps. 119:105  (cf. Prov. 6:23 ) ______________   and  _____________
2. Jam. 1:23 ________________
3. Jer. 23:29 __________   and   ____________
4. Eph. 6:17 ______________________
5. Lk. 8:11 ______________________
Attributes of the Bible
1. Jn. 17:17 _________________________________________________
2. Prov. 30:5 ________________________________________________
3. Jam. 1:21 ________________________________________________
4. Matt. 4:4 _________________________________________________
5. Heb. 4:12 ________________________________________________
What does the Bible do for us?
1. Jn. 17:17 ________________________________________________
2. Jam. 1:18 (cf. I Pet.1:23) ____________________________________
3. Ps. 19:7(a) _______________________________________________
4. Acts 11:14 _______________________________________________
5. Phil. 2:16 ________________________________________________        
The authority of the Bible
1. John 12:48;  Rev. 20:12  ____________________________________
2. Ps. 119:89 _______________________________________________
3. Isa. 55:11 ________________________________________________
4. II Tim. 2:9 _______________________________________________
The endurance of the Bible
1. Matt. 24:35  _____________________________________________
2. I Pet. 1:23 _______________________________________________
