Funeral Services for Sis. Bernice Sides

Funeral services for Sis. Bernice Sides will be held today here at the building.  The visitation will from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.  The funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m.  There will be no 5:00 p.m. evening service in lieu of the funeral proceedings.  We will dearly miss our beloved sister.  She was a faithful member of our congregation  and great example for us to follow.
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Sunday - 10:00 AM
Morning Worship
Sunday - 11:00 AM
Evening Worship
Sunday - 6:00 PM
Bible Study
Wednesday - 6:30 PM


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The Albemarle church of Christ will now be streaming sermons, studies, etc. More>>

You are cordially invited to join Bro. Curtis Parker and Sis. More>>

Thee Centergrove Rd. church of Christ will be conducting a Gospel Meeting/Homecoming June 2 - June 5. More>>

Our next House to House Sunday will take place on today. More>>

We are in need of more teachers. Please consider partricpating in this great ministry. More>>

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