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Trinity Place Holiday Giving
Our annual goal of providing gifts for the residents of Trinity Place is underway. The agency has asked us to provide generic bulk gifts in lieu of providing individual gifts for residents. They have asked that we provide items such as: blankets, Kleenex, Lotion, Gripper socks, Candy bars (fun size packs) and other small gifts to for those who may play Bingo. More>>
Church Valentine's Day Celebration
We will hold a church Valentine's Day Social on Saturday, February 18 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 pm. Please consider attending this wonderful event. There will be a sign up sheet in the foyer for those who plan to attend. More>>
Men's Business Meeting/Ladies Bible Class
We will hold our Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible Class today, July 24 at 5:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend. More>>
5th Sunday Song Extended Song Service
We will have extended song service as part of our evening service on May 29, 2022. Please make plans to attend and participate. More>>
Men's Business Meeting/Ladies Bible Class
We will have our Men's Business Meeting and Ladie's Bible Class Today at 5:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend. More>>
Church Baptistry Repair
The church baptistry will be repaired from April 25 - April 27. We ask that we limit our time during the building during this time period. Our Wednesday night bible study will be held via Zoom and Facebook Live on April 27. More>>
Spring Fellowship Dinner
We have rescheduled our After the Holidays Dinner (Now Spring Fellowship Dinner) for April 22, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. It will be held at the Blue Bay Seafood Restaurant in Albemarle, NC. Please indicate if you are planning to attend by completing the sign up sheet in the foyer of the building. More>>
Church Building Cleanup/Communion Preparation
We need members to volunteer to clean the building and prepare communinon for 2022. The signup sheet will be posting on the bulletin board in the church foyer. Please consider helping out with these important tasks. More>>
Men's Business Meeting/Ladies Bible Class
Our Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible Class will held on today 5:00 p.m. We would love for as many members as possible to attend.
Spring Arbor Devotional
We will resume our Spring Arbor Devotional beginning on March 25 at 2:30 p.m. Please consider becoming a part of this great ministry. More>>
In Memory
The church has given 100.00 in memory Sis. Roberta Hopkins, to the church building fund in lieu of flowers. Also, in memory of Sis. Sadie Bryant, a donation of 100.00 was made to the residents of Trinity Place. More>>
Fourth Sunday Events
The Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible Class is canceled for Sunday, December 26. We will resume these activities on January 23, 2022. More>>
Church Meeting After Worship
We would like to meet with all church members for a brief meeting after morning worship. More>>
Congratulations to Bro. Jeremiah Stanford on his marriage to Jessica Richards on Friday, December 17. We are so proud of you and the choice that you have made. Keep God first and remember that we love you! More>>
After the Holidays Fellowship
Due to the current COVID situation, our annual "After the Holidays" fellowship will be rescheduled for a later date. We would love for all to make this wonderful event. Please add your name to the sign-sheet in the foyer if interested in attending. More>>
November Building Cleanup
We are in need of volunteers for cleaning the building for the month of November. Please contact Bro. Parker if interested. More>>
5th Sunday Extended Song Service
We will have an extended song service in our evening service on October 31. We would like for all members to attend. More>>
Card Ministry
Sis. Jean Singleton and Sis. Donna Robeson are currently leading our efforts in our Card Ministry. If any members are in need of a card of encouragement, bereavement, etc. please contact Sis. Singleton or Sis. More>>
Men's Business Meeting/Ladies Bible Class
Our Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible Class will held on October 24, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend. More>>
House to House Zone Leaders Meeting
We will have a House to House Zone Leaders Meeting immediately after morning worship service today(10/17) to finalize plans. More>>
Gospel Meeting in October
Our Fall Gospel Meeting will be held from Sunday, October 3 thru Wednesday, October 6. Services will be held at 11:00 a.m.. and 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. We will serve a covered dish meal in between Sunday services. More>>
Congratulations to the Harward Family
Congratulations to the Harward family with the birth of the new grandaughter! Now there's more grandparent love to spread around!! More>>
Two Baptisms!
Welcome our new sister who was baptized on Sunday, August 8, 2021, Sis. Sharon Huff! Sis. Toni Stanford was baptized on 8/22/21.
Care Package for Bro. Jordan Bowman
We are currently collecting materials for a care package for Bro. Jordan Bowman. We can include any items excluding food, snacks, etc. Toiletries, socks, etc. would be great also. Please bring them to the building no later than 8/29/21, We will be sending the care package to him on 8/30/21. More>>
Spring Arbor Devotional
Our Spring Arbor Devotionals will restart on December 17, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Please consider becoming a part of this very blessed ministry. More>>
5th Sunday Extended Song Service
We will have extended song service for our 6:00 p.m. worship service on August 29, 2021. More>>
5th Sunday Extended Song Service
We will have extended on Song Service during our evening worship service on August 29, 2021. More>>
Men's Business Meeting/Ladies Bible Class
We will conduct our Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible Class at 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 2021. All membrers are encouraged to attend. The lesson for the Ladies Bible Class is available on the table in the back of the auditorium. More>>
Sentence Sermon of the Week
Atheism is not nearly the enemy to Christianity that indifferent Christians are. More>>
House to House Ministry
Bro. Parker would like to meet with all Zone Leaders at the conclusion of morning services on August 1, 2021. More>>
Spring Arbor
We will have Spring Arbor Devotion on Friday, July 23rd at 3:00 pm. We would love to have more members participate! We need volunteers to help provide refreshments. Please see Sis. Regina Parker if you would like to help. More>>
Trinity Place Bible Study
Trinity Place Bible Studies are held at 2:00 pm, each Tuesday, at Trinity Place, 24724 Highway 52 South, here in Albemarle, 28001. We would love to have other members to participate with this worthwhile work! More>>
Fellowship Meal
We will resume our fellowship meal today, immediately following morning services. The meal will be covered dish. Will will have a short devotional following the meal and there will be no evening services. More>>
Office Hours
Curtis Parker will begin keeping office hours at the church building beginning in July. The hours will be on Tuesday from 1 pm to 4 pm, Wednesday from 2 pm to 6 pm, and on Thursday by appointment. More>>
Young Men's Training Class
All young men are invited for a training class that will be held immediately following morning worship service today. The afternoon will consist of a meal, training and an activity. Please see Randy Mauldin or Chris Harward for further detail. More>>
Spring Arbor Devotional
The Spring Arbor devotional will be Friday, June 25, at 3:00 pm. Volunteers are needed to provide cookies and punch for the residents. Curtis brings the message of the day, and then we sing with them. More>>
Men's Meeting & Ladies Bible Class
The men's business meeting and the ladies bible class will be this evening at 5 pm here at the building. Please make plans to attend if at all possible. More>>
Sign-up Sheets
The 2021 sign up sheet for cleaning the building, communion preparation and lawn care is on the bulletin board in the foyer. There are a few more slots open. If you would like to help with this necessary work, see the sign-up sheet. More>>
Ladies Bible Class
Ladies bible class will begin this evening at 5:00 PM here at the building. Ladies, copies of lesson seven are on the table in the back of the auditorium for anyone that needs one. More>>
Men's Business Meeting
The men's monthly business meeting will be this evening at 5:00 pm, here at the building. Please try to attend and encourage the work here. We need all the men to share their ideas and input on plans for growth here at Albemarle. More>>
Back to the Bible
Lets reach our church goal of 20 bible studies a month! Information and Back to the Bible booklets are available to aid in this effort. See Curtis for questions or materials. More>>
Third Sunday Fellowship
Our third Sunday fellowship meal will be immediately following morning worship. An afternoon worship service will take place after the meal and clean up.There will be no evening service. Please make plans to stay and fellowship with us. More>>
Valentine's Gathering
Our Valentine's gathering will be held at the church building on Saturday, February 22nd, beginning at 4:30. Harmanco's will prepare a meal of meat loaf, pork chops, mashed potatoes, seasoned green beans and sweet potato casserole. More>>
Ladies' Day
The Carthage Church of Christ ladies day is set for February 15th, 2020. A sign up sheet will be placed on the bulletin board in the foyer. If you are interested in going please sign up by January 29, 2020. More>>
5th Sunday Song Service
Our 5th Sunday song service will be this evening at 6:00 pm. The next one will be March 29, 2020. Please make plans to be here and we can raise our voices together in praise and thanks giving to our Lord. More>>
Fall Gospel Meeting
Our fall gospel meeting starts today, October the 13th and go through the 16th. Brother Darrell Clark, from the Kannapolis church of Christ, will be our speaker, Sunday morning through Wednesday. The topic is "Victory In Jesus. More>>
Southeastern Children's Home
We will continue our support of the children who are in need by participating in the can drive again this year. Donation cans have been placed at the rear of the building. Please join in by dropping any spare change that you have in the cans. More>>
The Daybreak, September addition, is on the table in the foyer. Please pick one up this morning. You will be inspired by daily readings from different authors in the brotherhood. The Daybreak is published by the Kannapolis church of Christ. More>>
Ladies Luncheon
The ladies luncheon will be at Chick- Fil -A, on March 14th, at 12:00 pm. All the ladies are invited to come and share in a time of fellowship and fun with your sister in Christ. The location will be announced. More>>
Vacation Bible School
We are 3 days away from our 2019 VBS which will begin Wednesday at 6 pm each evening. We will have rotating classes for ages 3-15 and a young adult and adult class for all others. Make plans to attend each evening. More>>
Ladies Banquet
A ladies banquet is planned for Saturday, May 18th, beginning at 4:30 at the building. A menu of salads along with fun and fellowship for all women. Bring a $1.00 wrapped or bagged gift. Sign up Sheet with suggestions on bulletin board in the foyer. More>>
Spring Gospel Meeting
Our Spring Gospel meeting was a success. We had good attendance from our congregation and on Tuesday evening we had several from the Thomas Street church to attend. We had strong gospel teaching from the visiting ministers. More>>
Friends and Family Day Fellowship
We will have a Friends and Family Fellowship meal here immediately after this morning's worship services. We would like to encourage everyone to stay and fellowship with us. We will have an abbreviated service this afternoon, and no evening worship today. More>>
LOL Teams
LOL teams will meet up front for a short meeting immediately following the morning worship service. More>>
Sharing the Love
We will have our Valentine's gathering on Saturday, February 16th, at 5 pm at the building. The meal will be prepared by Handi Mart. The cost will be $7 per adult and the menu will include hamburger steak, chicken strips, potatoes, green beans, corn, rolls, and drinks. More>>
Volunteers needed
A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board at the back of the building for those who would like to volunteer for cleaning, communion preparation, and lawn maintenance. We have three months left that needs filled. More>>
Holiday Card Exchange
Please check your card slots this morning for your Christmas cards, to be sure you get all of them. The card exchange box will be removed sometime this next week. More>>
Cleanup Day
We will be having a cleanup day at the building on Saturday, September 22nd, at 8 am. Our efforts will focus on landscaping around the building. We need everyone who can to participate and to bring any tools that they may have to aid in the effort! More>>
Wednesday Night Teachers
If you are interested in doing a craft class with the youth on the first and third Wednesday evening services of the month, please sign the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the building. More>>
Directory Update Sheets
Updated directory sheets are available. If you have not gotten yours yet please see Nathan or Joyce for your copy. More>>
Fall Gospel Meeting
Our fall gospel meeting will begin this morning at 11 am and again at 2 pm with Alan Brown who is the minister at Capernaum church of Christ. We will be having a meal immediately following morning worship service. More>>
Mother's Day Celebration
The Mother's Day Celebration was enjoyed by all who attended. We had twenty six ladies, which is a very good number. It was a fun relaxing time as well as inspirational. Thank you ladies and all the ones who helped from the background to make it a success. More>>
Carolina Men's Fellowship
This years meeting will be March 9th from 9 am to 3 pm at Gold Hill church of Christ. Please make plans to attend if at all possible. Information on the bulletin board in the back. More>>
The Care and Share Group
The Care and Share group will meet Friday, June 1st, here at the building at 11 a m.
2020 Calendar of Service
A sign-up sheet has been placed on the bulletin board at the back of the building for those who would like to sign-up for various task for the upcoming year. Please considered this important work in your service to the church. More>>
Quarterly Fellowship and Devotional
Our quarterly fellowship meal will be August the 18th, immediately following morning services, with a devotional afterwards. There will be no evening service. Everyone is welcome to stay and enjoy a meal and a time of fellowship with us. More>>
Men's Meeting & Ladies Bible Class
The men's business meeting and the ladies bible class will meet this evening, at 5 pm here at the building. Please make plans to attend if at all possible. More>>
Announcement and Prayer Request Cards
Announcement and prayer request cards have been created and placed at the back of the building. If you have a request please fill out the appropriate card and give it to the person assigned for announcements. More>>
Building Fund
Please remember our building fund. More>>
Bible Class
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Morning Worship
Sunday - 11:00 AM
Evening Worship
Sunday - 6:00 PM
Bible Study
Wednesday - 6:30 PM
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Morning Worship
Sunday - 11:00 AM
Evening Worship
Sunday - 6:00 PM
Bible Study
Wednesday - 6:30 PM
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There are no events on this day
There are no events on this day
Our Holiday card exchange is currently under way. There is one week left for those who would like to participate in the event. More>>
Please welcome Bro. Terry Underwood who is our newest brother in Christ. More>>
There will be no Wednesday night Bible study on Wednesday, December 25 in lieu of the Christmas holiday. More>>
We have decided to participate in the yearly "Adopt A Hall" Program at Trinity Place. More>>
The Cradle Roll Nursery will officially begin on December 1 at 11:00 a,m. More>>
More News
Our Holiday card exchange is currently under way. There is one week left for those who would like to participate in the event. More>>
Please welcome Bro. Terry Underwood who is our newest brother in Christ. More>>
There will be no Wednesday night Bible study on Wednesday, December 25 in lieu of the Christmas holiday. More>>
We have decided to participate in the yearly "Adopt A Hall" Program at Trinity Place. More>>
The Cradle Roll Nursery will officially begin on December 1 at 11:00 a,m. More>>
More News