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 Sunday   Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday   Saturday 
 1   2   3   4 (1)
Ladies' Bible Class
 5   6   7 
 8   9   10   11 (1)
Ladies' Bible Class
 12   13 (1)
Diana Singing
 15   16   17   18 (1)
Ladies' Bible Class
 19   20   21 
 22 (1)
Young Men to Lead PM Service
 23 (1)
Widowhood Fellowship
 24 (1)
CHAOS (Ages 0 - Kindergarten)
 25 (1)
Ladies' Bible Class
 26   27   28 (1)
Mobile Food Pantry
 29 (1)
Church / Eat / Church
Planner view
Ladies' Bible Class
Join us at 10am as we meet each Wednesday morning for Bible study in the library. ALL ladies are welcome!

** If Rutherford County Schools are out due to weather, we will NOT meet.**
Ladies' Bible Class
Join us at 10am as we meet each Wednesday morning for Bible study in the library. ALL ladies are welcome!

** If Rutherford County Schools are out due to weather, we will NOT meet.**
Diana Singing
Like to Sing??

Bus leaves at 5:30pm, and will return at approx. 10:30pm

We will eat at the singing (concessions available).

Sign-Up in Front Foyer

Ladies' Bible Class
Join us at 10am as we meet each Wednesday morning for Bible study in the library. ALL ladies are welcome!

** If Rutherford County Schools are out due to weather, we will NOT meet.**
Young Men to Lead PM Service

Widowhood Fellowship
Harry Anderson will be our guest speaker

"How To Get Your Bounce Back"
CHAOS (Ages 0 - Kindergarten)
6pm until 7:30pm

Bring your own dinner

dessert provided

we will have a devo and songs, and do a craft

Hosted by the Farrars

Ladies' Bible Class
Join us at 10am as we meet each Wednesday morning for Bible study in the library. ALL ladies are welcome!

** If Rutherford County Schools are out due to weather, we will NOT meet.**
Mobile Food Pantry
8am - 11am

OR Until Food Runs Out
Church / Eat / Church

Ladies' Bible Class
Join us at 10am as we meet each Wednesday morning for Bible study in the library. ALL ladies are welcome!

** If Rutherford County Schools are out due to weather, we will NOT meet.**