SALT - EYC * 12/27-30

Exposure Youth Camp occurs every year in Huntsville, AL on December 27-30. This year, we will be pursuing absolute truth in a world full of fake realities. Join us as we go Into Reality. The cost is $100 per attendee and includes the conference, hotel room, shirt, and meals. Please sign up. The deadline for registration is October the 31st.
Name Shirt Size (S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL)  
Shawn Clark XL [Delete]
Sky Vera S [Delete]
Jason King Xxl [Delete]
Silas King Xxl [Delete]
Hollis King xl [Delete]
Adalyn King L [Delete]
Dairo Avila M [Delete]
Kaitlyn King XL [Delete]
Austin king L [Delete]
Raul Avila XL [Delete]
Elijah Hatchet M [Delete]
Michelle Hatchet M [Delete]
Rachel Hatcher S [Delete]
Emily Gray S [Delete]
Bo Daughrity L [Delete]
Cade Cheatham Xxl [Delete]
Audrey Xl [Delete]
Total Sign ups 17

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Sign Up Here!
Name (required)
Shirt Size (S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL) (required)