Mid-East Conflict part I (07-17-05 pm)

                                                                                                Norm Wells      Page 1


Part 1

Today's lesson is going to be considerably different from my normal lessons. I have heard repeatedly over the years, comments regarding the Middle East problems, & conflicts of today, and wondering how—if possible—we could find out how those conflicts got started.

Can we really trace those problems back to their origin—to where the conflict actually began?


This p.m.'s lesson will be part 1 of a 2 part series on this topic. We will cover the 2nd part this coming Wed. p.m.

This p.m.'s lesson will be more of a history lesson; but one that I feel is necessary in order for each of us to be able to understand Wed's lesson—where we will trace the actual roots of the problem back thru scripture, and see how this relates to us as christians today.


We are currently involved in a war w/Iraq.

Israel and Palestine are still going at it w/ each other.

And recently, terrorists set off bombs in London.

And I'm sure that no one here can remember a time when there was not at least some conflict going on in the mid-east, which in one way or another affected the U. S.


And also included is the 1972 olympic games, the USS Cole, TWA hijackings, 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the Sept. 11, 2001 Twin Towers attack, & others.



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And sooner or later, discussion of these conflicts always comes around to matters of a religious nature.

What does the Bible say about it?

Where does it say in the Bible that current events are a result of Bible prophecy? And on & on.


Regardless of the conflict, there are 3 basic groups of people who are continually a part of the conversation—if not directly involved in the conflict itself.

The 3 groups are Israel, the Arab world in general, & the western world in general—the U S specifically.

     The U S is directly involved for a number of reasons--& I have no desire to appear political here—but to simply mention the basic reasons for our involvement;

1.      Our dependence on the oil production in the mid east.

2.      Our direct support for the Nation of Israel.

3.      Our support for different Arab nations at different times.

And at this point, I am not interested in whether the reasons behind these three reasons are justified or not—but only to put things into proper perspective for the lessons in this series.

In the conflicts we have all seen in our lifetime in the mideast—with the exception of the 2 gulf wars, between the U S & Iraq, & Afghanistan—the major part of them have been conflicts involving Israel & the Arab world in general—however, there have also been numerous conflicts w/in the Arab world itself.



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In the past 40-50 years, we've seen major conflicts in Turkey, Afghanistan, Greece,. Iran, Syria, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, & Palestine—just to mention the more major players in the mideast.

And we have seen numerous divisions among the people in some of these individual countries.

But the first thing I would like to look at this p.m., is the Arab world in general, which are basically Muslim/Islamic.

There seems to be a very gray area in people's understanding of the difference between Muslims & Islam.


And it continues to be blurred to an even greater extent as time progresses, as even more variations come into being.

And from that extent, it seems somewhat similar to the religious community in the U S—new denominations continually being formed.


We hear comments from time to time, that range from that of—THE MUSLEMS ONLY DESIRE IS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE—to the comment that basically MUSLEMS ARE A DEEPLY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE, STRIVING ONLY TO SERVE THEIR GOD.

When talking about Islam, we hear comments that range from that of—THOSE WHO FOLLOW ISLAM ARE A DEEPLY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE—to the comment that --


So, what is the deal w/ Muslims & Islam?

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What is the difference & what are their beliefs & their purpose in life?


And although we can establish some common ground between the 2 terms Muslim & Islam, there will continue to be major differences which tend to completely isolate certain groups—due to their own personal philosophies regarding their religion & their politics.


And the most notable of these differences come from the many different radical wings of the religion—as compared to Orthodox Islam.

So, while we hear of a common goal at times among the Arab world in general, to oppose the Western World, or the Nation of Israel for example—you will very rarely be able to get more than 2 or 3 countries to agree as how to handle the situation--& even then, there will be numerous factions w/ in those specific countries, who are adamantly opposed to the suggestions of everyone else in the Arab world.


Because basically—each faction has the desire to be completely independent from everyone else—incl. other Arabs.

The word Islam, means simply-"Submission to God", or in Arabic—"Allah".

The word Muslim means basically—one who follows the laws of Islam.

And from there—the waters get muddied real quick.

Three basic ethnic groups that make up the vast majority of Muslims in the world are----Arabs, Persians, & Turks.

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Islam had its beginning among the Arabs.

Arabs trace their lineage back to Abraham thru Ismael, while Jews trace their lineage back to Abraham thru Isaac.

We'll dwell more on that later.

The revelation of Islam, was supposedly given by God to Muhammed—who is accepted by Muslims as the greatest prophet who ever lived—incl. Jesus.


Even after the early christians had preached the gospel to the whole world—Ac 19:10—most of the Arabs were still practicing idolatry.

Muhammed was born into this world of idolatry in 570 AD, in Mecca, in present day Saudi Arabia.  He died in 632 AD. 

Muhammed was completely turned off by these pagan practices of idolatry.


He had only one wife until she died after 25 years of marriage. After her death, he then decided that polygamy was acceptable, and married several women.

Muhammed was also influenced heavily by Jewish religious customs.

When he was 40, he claimed to receive his revelations from the archangel Gabriel, direct from God.

His writings were the basis for the Koran--also supplemented by the Hadith, which is equal in importance to the Koran.

Some 15 yrs. Later, he formed a mercenary army of around 10K, & either killed or banished all Jews from the area. 


As a result, he became the real hero of the day.

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After his death, Muslims became divided into 2 basic sects:

Sumni & Shiite.

The Sumni then divided again—one of these is the Shafii—part of which is made up by the Kurds in northern Iraq.

Another group is the Hanbali—of which Osama bin Laden is a member.

Another group of the Sumni is the Hanafi—of which Sadam Hussein is a member.

The other basic sect—the Shiites—are divided into 3 groups—one being the Hizbullah—of which the Ayatollah Khomeini was a member, & also which is the ruling party in Syria.

Shiites are very influential in Iraq.

While Muslims believe in Allah as their salvation—their religion is really based on self-righteousness.


There are numerous interpretations of Judgment Day & of an individual's final resting place, and how he gets there.

One more notable interpretation is that of the belief that at judgment day, the good deeds will be weighed against the bad deeds on an individual basis—however, the only sure way to Paradise, is to die as a martyr during an Islamic War--(Jihad).

The Islam religion believes in Jesus as a prophet—tho not as significant as Muhammed.

They believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, but that His father was the angel Gabriel.

They do not believe in His death on the cross, His resurrection, or in His deity as part of the Godhead.


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Many practices of Islam have been acquired as a result of exposure to pagan religions in Africa.

The Islamic faith is based on 5 pillars:

1.   Reciting the creed.

2.   Prayer—5 times a day.

3.   Giving to the poor.

4.   Fasting-(especially during the month of Ramadan—this is in November)—this is a test of faith.

5.   Pilgrimage—at least once in a lifetime to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

In relation to the giving to the poor & fasting; the only thing Sadam Hussein gave to the poor in Iraq was more hunger or mustard gas or sarin gas.

And he let them fast so that they could give him money, so that he could build more palaces.

Although there are drastic differences between Islam & Christianity & the Jewish faith, there are many aspects of the Islam religion which are taken from Christianity, or from the general concept of the relationship between God & His people in the O T.


The religion of Islam covers every aspect of the Muslim's daily life.

To the true Muslim, there is no difference between religious life & social life.

And as a result of this—it should be understandable to all, that any war, any battle, any skirmish, any murder, any terrorist activity—is to the radical factions of Islam—a holy war—a Jihad---if that fits into the specific philosophy of that certain wing of the Islam religion.

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i.e., anything can be justified as a Jihad—if that is what their philosophy mandates.

And the more radical wings of Islam mandates that everyone other than Muslims be erased off the face of the earth.

Now—that is not the philosophy of Muslims in general—however, it is the general philosophy of a great % of those following Islam in the world.

And the ones who subscribe to this philosophy—are the ones getting media coverage—which then to the rest of the world—then defines Islamic followers as a whole.


Now, lets switch gears a little bit.

Many people believe that the mid east conflict began immediately following W W II.

And this period of time WAS very important to the conflicts which would follow.

During the first century, when the church was established in Jerusalem, the area was primarily Jewish.

By 200 A.D., most of the Jews had left the mideast—at least in the area now known as Israel/Palestine/Jordan/Lebanon, because of extreme persecution—moving throughout the world—especially to Europe.

They began returning to the area know known as Israel in the late 1800's.

During WW I, this area—then known as Palestine(which had been overrun by Arabs), came under British rule—primarily because of the discovery of oil in Iraq & Iran in 1908.

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Following WW II, Jews began a large scale return to the area & in 1948, proclaimed their independence as the new nation of Israel.

Some might remember the movie EXODUS, w/ Paul Newman—where the ship load of Jews were trying to get clearance to return to Israel.

Almost immediately, the Arab nations declared war on Israel, but were defeated.

This began the ever increasing refugee problem which continues to grow today throughout the mideast---

--there are refugee camps which have 3 or 4 generations of families.


The conflict continued thru the 1950's & in 1967, there was a 6 day war—a full scale war between Israel & the Arab nations—which Israel won with the help of the U S.

In the l970's Jordan 1stwent to war w/ Palestine—then later sided w/ Syria, Egypt, & the Arab nations against Israel—which Israel also won w/ the help of the U S.

And it is during this time that the Ayatollah Khomeni in Iran & Sadam Hussein in Iraq came to power.


Then we had the formation of the PLO, & the beginning of terrorist activities, bombings, & kidnappings in order to get more attention—their main objective being to eliminate Israel—to drive them out of that part of the world.

And so, it continues today.

And primarily because of the US support of Israel, a bulk of the Arab countries now also claim US as an enemy—along with Israel.

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Wed. p.m. we will continue this series.

We'll take a look at the conflict going on in the first century, during the time of Christ, and then we'll go all the way back to the Garden of Eden, and we'll see how the conflict escalated thru the centuries—all the way thru the OT—to give us what we are faced with today—a mideast conflict which is rapidly absorbing the entire world into its theatre of operations.


And members of the church—all over the world—are rapidly being affected by this conflict.

And along with that, we hopefully will not only recognize the problem—but as well, will be ready to accept our personal & collective responsibilities in helping the world to see that there really is a better way to live—helping the world to see that in order to restore peace to not only the mid-east, but as well to Paris, Il., we must rely solely on the Word of God as our unchanging standard by which we base all we do in this life---everything....



It seems that about all we hear today is how to be totally inclusive of those around us—how every one has a right to their own philosophies in regard to religion, and we should respect that and not infringe on their own personal feelings, and not impose our beliefs on others.


And even some in the brotherhood today subscribe to this philosophy—using as their "proof",  Jn. 17:20,21.


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But in doing so, they take these verses out of context.

Ch. 17, deals w/ Christ's prayer for—1. Himself—2. His disciples—3.For those future believers.

So, vs. 20,21, then deals not with unity w/ those outside the body of Christ, but rather—the unity of christians—those members of the church, who will need to be in unity w/in the parameters of the scriptures.


The church is not inclusive of a variety of beliefs & practices.

As we see throughout Acts, and the letters to the churches, only those who followed the plan of Christ, were called christians—only those who believe in Christ and His DBR, and the establishment of the church—the Kingdom—here on this earth---only those---will be entitled to enjoy the blessings here on this earth and as well for an eternity in Heaven.


And we must as christians—rather than accept others for what they are—understand where they are coming from—understand what their background is—and be prepared to teach them how their life is in contrast to that standard by which man must follow—if they truly expect to enjoy an eternity in Heaven---the unyielding, unchanging Word of God.


The church is unique.

The church offers something that can not be found anywhere else in the world.

The church offers the one sacrifice that can erase sin.

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The church offers Jesus as your Savior.

This p.m.,  if you are not a christian, allow Jesus to bring about a remission of your sins through belief, repentance, confession, and baptism.

If you are a christian, but as those at some of the churches of Asia in Revelations, are found wanting—and are in need of a stronger commitment to the church, then now is the time for you to take advantage of the offer that Jesus extends to you now.
