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John Vaughan
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Welcome to the
Belinda Parkway Church of Christ

November 29, 2022
The author of this week's article is Hiram Kemp, one of the preachers for the Lehman Avenue Church of Christ in Bowling Green, KY. I first met Hiram when I held a meeting at the South Florida Avenue Church of Christ in Lakeland, FL in October of 2015. He was then in his final year at the Florida School of Preaching, operated by the South Florida Avenue church, and had already been hired to become the preacher at the South Florida Avenue church following his graduation from the school. Hiram was young and brilliant and would be succeeding a veteran preacher who had served South Florida Avenue for multiple decades. Before entering the School of Preaching Hiram had earned a B. S. degree in Criminal Justice from Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, FL and a M. A. in Reading Education from Nova Southeastern University. After being converted to New Testament Christianity he entered the Florida School of Preaching to prepare himself to become a gospel preacher. Hiram has since earned his M. A. in the Old Testament from Freed-Hardeman University and is currently pursuing his Ph. D. in the Old Testament from Midwestern University. He writes for The Spiritual Sword and is in demand to speak on lectureships and to preach in gospel meetings. He served the South Florida Avenue church from 2016 until 2021 and has been at Lehman Avenue in Bowling Green since 2021. His informative article on "How To Respond To Biblical Questions" is taken from the September 25, 2022 issue of "The Informer," the bulletin of the Shelbyville Road Church of Christ in Indianapolis, IN. Please give it a careful reading.
There have always been those who have been interested in Christianity and who have questioned its practitioners (Acts 17:18-20; 25:22; 26:1). We should not be surprised when people question our faith today. When it comes to answering questions about our faith and why we believe what we believe we must be careful and wise. We should be careful because many will not hesitate to "fact check" us and wise because if we are dishonest or inaccurate we may further their skepticism and doubt. Christians are told to be ready to give an answer for the reason we possess our hope (1 Peter 3:15). How can we do this? Allow me to offer three simple responses that we can adopt to answer those who have questions about our faith.
1. "I don't know" -- It may be the case that we are asked something that is beyond our ability to know (Job 11:7). God has revealed himself in the Bible but there are some things we do not know (Deuteronomy 29:29). This answer shows humility on the part of Christians and lets unbelievers know we do not have all the answers, but we know the one who does. It may be the case that we can say we do not know the answer now, but we will research it and study and come back better informed.
2. "The Bible says..." -- By answering questions with "the Bible says" or "It is written" we move things out of the realm of opinion and into the factual. By answering with Scripture we let God do the talking instead of us (1 Peter 4:11). Please do not say "churches of Christ believe" or "my preacher said." Point people to Bible passages and if they want to argue let them argue with God. This response will show that we believe the Bible is the only authority in Christianity (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Point them to the text because it is there that they will encounter God.
3. "With gracious speech" -- Be sure not to be harsh, rude, or sarcastic in answering people's religious questions (2 Timothy 2:24-26). Be firm, be bold, be convicted, but do not be unkind. Responses like, "I cannot believe that you believe that!" or "How could you not know that?" may sound clever in our minds but they do not sound inviting to the lost. If we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), let us keep our speech seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:5-6). If we answer with gracious speech they may inquire further and desire to take hold of the eternal grace extended to everyone (Ephesians 2:4-9).
Thank you Hiram Kemp for this excellent article and the spiritual wisdom that it imparts.
Hugh Fulford
